Our asshat of a governor here in Maine (LePage) went on a little tantrum about Pingree not attending calling on her to resign.
Our asshat of a governor here in Maine (LePage) went on a little tantrum about Pingree not attending calling on her to resign.
For every 200 basement-dwellers there’s that one dude who actually goes to shoot up a pizza parlor. So it’s basically Schroedinger’s Stalker as far as that kind of threat is concerned. You have to act as if.
Melania Trump becoming FLOTUS after the glorious being that was Michelle Obama is making me want to vomit. What is this fluff ball going to do for children, for women, for girls? NOT A GD THING, I PROMISE YOU.
here’s my thing, though
Sort of yes, sort of no. It depends on the capacity, and sometimes they don’t understand the consequences of actions.
Well yeah, but assuming what’s written above in the post is true, she may not have understood — or even just known — how to stop what was going to happen. Assuming she does have special needs and lower cognitive ability, she may very well have thought pleading with her (violent toward her?) husband was all she had the…
Speaking as an LD person, it’s a spectrum disorder just like (and sometimes including Autism). I knew kids who could barely read at 16 and I know ones who have gone on the be Doctors and lawyers. Saying a person has a learning disability is not saying very much. All it says is we learn differently than the majority of…
This man is a despicable racist. He deserves every insult thrown his way. Every negative word said about him should be said hundreds of times.
In a way the apology is better and more humiliating to Trump than if she’d just said no in the first place.
Um, can we talk about how Trump got up this morning and decided to basically deny the 60's civil rights movement?
That Asshole: my inauguration is going to be the yugest, most glamorous star-studded amazing event ever. All the biggest names are calling me up, begging to perform for me and my supporters!
Maybe she pulled out because she can’t find something to wear. I hear all the dress shops are completely sold out.
My money is “I didn’t want those performers at my inauguration anyway!”
Inauguration day is my late father-in-law’s birthday. He would have been 72. So Mrs. Funk, her mother, and I will be doing what he would have wanted us to do: Getting shitfaced drunk, listening to Al Green, and not watching the inauguration.
I can’t wait to not watch the inauguration. I won’t even have a tv on that day. I will be outside in Santa Barbara working. It’s the most excited I’ve been to ignore cable in a long time.
An excellent apology. Good.
White women who want to broadcast their politics (in addition to actually taking action, ahem) could also just wear a t-shirt from Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Amnesty, SPLC, CAIR, BLM, NOW, NPR, DNC ... the possibilities are endless. Just anything at all besides almost literally #notallwhitewomen.
If anyone is wondering why Canada has lower drug prices than the US, here’s some background on the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which regulates prescription drug prices. http://www.pmprb-cepmb.gc.ca/about-us/mandate-and-jurisdiction
Ok. If you don’t eat cheese or bacon, fine. I completely get it. It’s healthier, it’s better for the environment, you keep kosher, whatever. Totally on board.