Did you notice the ‘Eat Whoever You Want’ part of the cover?
Did you notice the ‘Eat Whoever You Want’ part of the cover?
Degrassi 4 Eva!!!!
I’m doing fantasy 😂😂😂
She does have some pretty strong tattered wig game...
This is beautiful. I want to print it out and fraaaaame it.
Kim Burrell has hit 14:58 on the clock.
My advice: If your religion is causing you to spew out words of hate, judge, or look down on others because of who one loves then you need to change it. And fast.
Okay, observation police here... In full disclosure, i have only been watching the Bachelor / Bachelorette / In paradise for like a year... Anyway, i digress.
Corinne “runs a multi-million dollar business” as much as I “run marathons.”
I still think most of them are way too young and immature, but I agree the few 30 yo’s they have casted are all promising.
Meh, progress is progress. I don’t think people are applauding whatever minimum standards the church has set for itself, they are applauding the fact that it has set standards for itself. Like you said, its a centuries old institution with unchecked power, its under no actual requirements to move forward.
If I told you how many points I have right now you would be appalled. I am appalled.
I’m trying to drum up a plan were millions of us travel to the White House on January 20th, and we all throw ourselves around Obama’s legs and cry and beg him not to leave. I think this would work, and might be constitutionally sound.
That got me, as well as “The President is always asking staff to bring their babies and young kids by for a visit.” SOB.
“‘I love that picture,’ the President said to me when he saw this one hanging on the walls of the West Wing. Truth be told, he says that about every picture that features Malia or Sasha.”
My afterlife will be a Biden backyard BBQ.
Fuck, you’re insufferable.
“They decide nominating a woman was more important than winning the election.” And Bernie Bros wonder why that nickname exists and why it’s pejorative. And of course, you all never consider that the refusal to listen to Hillary’s supporters about why we preferred her to Bernie, the refusal to accept her overwhelming…
Hillary Clinton is not ‘anyone’. This isn’t Sarah Palin looking out her back window. This is an accomplished lawyer and politician who manage to get effective work done for the people of the US.
Yes. Idiots exist in both parties.