
It’s legit not. It’s on pace to have triple the exclusives that PS4 and X1 have, combined.

I mean, that so-called humor isn’t exactly high level. It’s basic and low standard. It had its charm, sure, but it’s terribly easy to write since it wasn’t clever whatsoever and it’s so common these days, anyway.

Let’s not forget the costs of litigation against calvin for sexual harassment of Suzy and then litigation against his bully and its school.

Education is far more important. Funny thing is that jobs that actually require a proper education, not just a stupid degree that could be about literal personal masturbation so long as it’s 4 years of it, have critical shortfalls in employment.

Republicans talk a lot of shit and then don’t back the programs properly. Get to Mars. Get to the Moon. OH NO! We have a border “crisis”, sorry NASA and you dirty peasant federal workers, you’re no longer needed. Cut this program. Cut that program. ZOMG!!!! it’ll cost THAT much? Yeah, fuck that. America doesn’t seem

Were they Siamese, himalayan or husky show rats?

It’s funny but the Virtual Boy actually got rave reviews when it was released. People were bending over backwards to make excuses for its limited display and how cool it was. The only sticking point was the high price in a crowded market.

Yeah, and what innocent person seals a case against them that supposedly exonerates them and doesn’t implicate them at all when it’s been so highly publicized?

Awesome! Maybe they can make a proper one for the PS5, then.

A real shame it’s Daedalic Entertainment. I don’t really want gollum to be the theme or title character for their type of game.

Remember when I saved your...

Apple’s IAP and basically every revenue metric is exponentially more than google. Google will often beat more downloads than Apple, but the revenue doesn’t follow suit.

I find it fucking amazing that a few people, yep just a fucking few on scale, die on one day due to a terrorist attack that our government knew was coming, was told was coming, had people monitoring most of the terrorists with some even literally watching them enter the airport on the rumored day of attack is good

Yeah, said much more than just that. He’s a damn hypocrite.

My only complaint with 8bitdo is the lifespan of them and poor customer support. They’re great but the ones with analogue controls have the rubber wear off REALLY fast.

It doesn’t need any R&D it just needs component prices to continue to decrease. It’s all there already. The concept, the theory, the technical ability. The only reason it’s not being implemented “properly” yet is because people are stupid and would rather play over $1,000 for a phone they play, at best, crap on than

I imagine failed machinery shredding themselves along with the meat and metal and xray isn’t going to pick out teeny tiny metal...

Primary sponsors in NASCAR pay 5-35 million for product placement. Not everything needs to be a video ad. Games are ripe for the plucking now that Twitch and esports are gaining massive traction.

Of course they have it planned. Remember their stupid Van Gogh filter they applied? That crap wasn’t made for devs to play with but for them to insert ads in a multitude of ways.

I don’t think the age excuse can work unless you’re going to blame it on mental deterioration and disease. It’s certainly not generational because she’s supposedly a “woke” generation and has had to do plenty of her own battles.