These people need to have their IPs reported to local police agencies immediately. We all know what would happen if these individuals declared their support for ISIS on Steam. Knock on the door by the FBI within minutes.
These people need to have their IPs reported to local police agencies immediately. We all know what would happen if these individuals declared their support for ISIS on Steam. Knock on the door by the FBI within minutes.
others offer praise for his actions or refer to him as “Kebab Remover”
Meanwhile THQ Nordic’s decision to host an AMA on 8chan is looking worse and worse.
Just a gentle reminder to commenters that Cards Against Humanity is an extremely progressive, charitable company that supports lots of awesome causes and has been making a very active, vocal effort to encourage humor that “punches up, not down.” (And IMO, the game itself is very fun as long as you play with the right…
I mean, have you checked out the Catholics?
It’s pretty awesome, and I totally don’t get anyone have an issue with this dress. It looks manly as hell, but in its own way.
On a night when I was underwhelmed and bored by 98% of the gowns, Porter’s made me gasp. Then swoon with delight. It’s an absolutely stunning, gorgeous look on him. I love love love it.
I absolutely loved, loved, loved this look. The whole thing. He KILLED.
There was already a game for Konosuba released in Japan called Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku o! -Kono Yokubukai Game ni Shinpan o!-, for the PC, Vita and PS4. It was a visual novel. The one mentioned in the article is Konosuba the dungeon crawler.
Not allowing them entry at all would have been what they deserve.
This is so fucked up and funny. I loved this.
Why must you continue to report on things that are—now, not only incredibly more illegal in Japan and still illegal in the US; but also—bound to be hit with legal action by one of the most litigious companies in the world?
I tried to install the Weird Faces mod, but it just put Mass Effect: Andromeda on my computer instead.
There’s also a fair bit of really nasty homophobia and transphobia that I found amongst some of the creators of Overwatch videos. Apart from how bigoted and wrong it is to be like that in the modern day, it’s always dismaying to see porn dominated by assholes in more than one way. Straight men aren’t your only…
I don’t see how stripping English of its unique variety and flavor is beautification.
If you’re misusing them, sure, but that’s not the thrust of this article. The complaint is that they’re “complicated” (complicated > multisyllabic, I guess).
It boggles my mind that it didn’t get more hype
It wasn’t my taste, but I’m happy you enjoyed it!
That’s the major difference. Money.
It’s largely not. I think the best way to look at this is that it’s a gray area of the law that hasn’t been particularly profitable before. If, say, MC Hammer had sent a cease and desist order to Blizzard for the male Orc dance in WoW, I imagine Blizz would’ve just shrugged, replaced the dance and said “sorry”.