I don’t think they can even land NH (Which is the Manslaughter 2 charge), because of this:
I don’t think they can even land NH (Which is the Manslaughter 2 charge), because of this:
Hate to break this to you, but that is not racist.
This entire comment section (and I assume website) is nothing but a fucking racist, pity-party circlejerk. I can comfortably say that there are 10x more racists here than I know in real life. You guys are fucked up. And the dumbest shit is, most of you think you can boil down an entire race into some caricature. You…
If these women’s deaths can make racialists like cdwag pretend to care about Blue Lives and treat Asians as POC instead of almost-white people who are having too much darn success and stealing all the spots in good colleges...well, maybe they didnt die in vain.
Dear Black people,
I read an interesting book - Civilization by Niall Ferguson - that pointed out that life expectancy in Africa INCREASED when white people arrived. In Senegal it went from 30.2 years in 1945 to 52.3 in 2000. In Tunisia it went from 31.2 years to 72.1.
“The Root” for racists by racists. Your all scum!
Candace Owens is correct. that was a nasty, filthy, evil, despicable, ‘performance’. Glorified ho-ism is what Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion are promoting. I do not see how such people can hold their heads up in church, if they bother attending. Just filthy.
Isn’t the headline kind of racist? What if every time a black murders someone (about 11,000 times a year” the headline said “blackness at work”?
As a person of color, I really hate these takes. If this dude was a “race warrior” I believe he would have taken credit for this as a racial act. Doesn’t anyone remember how sick they felt after finding out about that bastard Dylan Roof and the Charleston Church Shooting? I am sad for the victims but this probably…
Thats a white guy fetish? No other races find Asian women attractive?
What a racist and distorted report. The officer did not make the comment. If you look at actual news footage of the news briefing you will hear him answering questions the reporters are asking. He further states the information was passes on to him by the chief of the department. If anyone was to take time to look at…
Just more of the same. There’s a disconnect. Defund the police only has support from a small group of activists and a lot of wealthy white people in NYC; the people in the communities actually impacted by the crime, and their representatives, are calling for reform because they believe they still NEED police. This…
Wow so parents can decide whether or not to let their kids watch and listen to Cardi B, they can do the same for Dr. Suess books, double standard much???
Only in that it doesn't relate to COVID. I do believe that he had a sex addiction(that they mentioned) and I believe it involved Asian women and that's why he shot up Asian women. They said he'd been to both businesses before to...uh...satisfy his urges. On its face, it isn't race related, but if you have a brain and…
According to law enforcement he actually was a customer of these 3 locations. If he was a customer of the strip club, then he probably would have shot that up instead. There are plenty enough of news stories where race is a critical part of the story. There is not a need to try to put the race spin on everything that…
What is B.S.? He says he killed them because of “temptation” That is certainly misogyny, but not racism. The desire to equate all actions of white people as being as a result of white supremacy, whereas every other person in the universe actually can act for themselves with their own agency is a weird branch of…
Just put a bullet between his eyes. We’ve got no use for this fucker. Just exterminate him.
I am no prudue. In fact, they should legalize prostitution and open whorehouse so incel like the guy that just shot up those Asian massage parlors can get laid. However, this kind of degenerate shit like grinding your pussies together should not be on public TV. You have actual little girls and boys wanting to group…