Harold Dobey

What lips?

What a waste of time and money. Giving a speech doesn’t equate to causing violence. A bunch of unarmed idiots isn’t a coup. (Read about what just happened in Burma, where the military actually took over the government. That’s a coup.) This is just a waste of time and money. Doesn’t the NAACP have productive things to

If we take down the statues of everyone who was not perfect there will be no statues and the past will be forgotten.  George Washington owned slaves.  Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin fucked them (literally and figuratively).  Keep the statue and put up another next to it saying how wrong the ownership of another

taking down robert e lee’s statue would be a HUGE mistake. You failed to mention few things in your article. Did he own slave? Yes he did. Everyone that owned land was slave owner. It’s hard to reconcile this in this day in age but that that’s how it was back then was it wrong of course it was. What makes him worthy

“It’s a fake! It’s a fake! It’s a,...gmphhh!!! AAAAARRRGGGGHH! That hurt!” Some people only learn by doing it themselves. Or more frequently, doing it to themselves. Thank you.

Ten years no parole and a statement of admission of guilt seems like actual justice to me.

Our people themselves are not rising past this hatred for the past. Read Up from Slavery from Booker T. Washington. Read the words of slaves and freed slaves. Many wanted and still want to perpetuate a narrative that we’re oppressed. Thousands of WHITE people died in the Civil War. Thousands of WHITE people risked

So, the white people that pushed abolition of slavery should have been ignored?

Im... pretty sure that they always ask that?

God forbid you even do the smallest amount of Googling before spouting off nonsense.

I’m from the North. The people who sacrificed millions of lives to end something that only ever existed in the South.  If you want to locate the descendants of slave owners and charge them a tax, be my guest.  If you come to me and expect money, you’ll be disappointed with the response.

In my city, when there was a proposal to remove the school police a few years ago, it was the Black community that resisted it; for the most part, only white people were in favor of it. The SROs remain to this day.

Great article.  82 NFL players have been arrested and charged with domestic violence.  79 of the 82 are black.  I assume you feel the same way about them. 

If it wasn’t Denver, I’d agree with you. Literally any city in Colorado that is not Denver, Boulder, or possibly Fort Collins you’d be correct. Since it was ONLY the city of Denver, and not the metro area (which is blue Denver and a bunch of extremely red suburbs), I’m going the opposite way.

It depends how radical one subscribes to an political leaning, someone very on the right is the same, someone very progressive too, as soon someone subscribes to an political leaning to hard the other is an enemy and not someone to discuss problems with and find solutions, and solutions and ideas become political and

If black people were the first in line to get the vaccine you KNOW the author would have been bleating about people of color being used as Guinea pigs and the Tuskegee experiment and blah blah blah.

These NC stats are kind of confusing and don’t really paint as bad of a picture as you’re trying to make it seem. The “for every black person vaccinated, two white people receive the vaccine” line doesn’t factor in the fact that according to the top chart there are 3x more white people than black people in NC. 3:1

WHAT A BULL .... ARTICLE this is EXACTLY why race tensions and relations are declining in America! “for evert Black person vaccinated in North Carolina, two white people receive the COVID-19 vaccine.” that means biased on population black are actually getting the vaccine at 4X the rate of white people per capita!

Oh my goodness, he said a word. Let’s ruin his life.

Under NYC’s bail reform laws, violent criminals are put back on the street same-day without even having to post bond.  Dozens of them have committed further violent attacks before their trial.  I guess we have a problem with black terrorists in America.