
This faction war is utterly pointless. Someone graphed the territories held throughout the beta by each faction and it was just three perfectly undulating sin waves. If you lose territory, you get a bonus, then you gain territory. Then the loser gets a bonus and it just repeats in perfect uniformity. It’s just a


None of which affects the product in the slightest, unless they go bankrupt from the lawsuit. The only thing that people will care about is that it’s another Facebook spy device that will be recording everything you do and say so that it can sell that info to the highest bidder. If you were on any oculus board when

Oculus served its purpose. Opened the door for other better companies to make their own VR headsets, then committed suicide by selling itself to a terrible company with the single flimsy excuse that they could then sell at cost, and then announced that it would be $800 for the full package anyway. Lol. Good riddance,

Lmao, as if Luckey being a conservative was anywhere near as toxic as Oculus being bought by Facebook. Oculus failed the moment that deal was announced. All the idiots (a few dozen at most I’m sure) who were fine with buying a Facebook product with all the bullshit that entails, but then boycotted over Luckey’s

If by shitty people you mean Zark Fuckerberg, then yeah, totally agree. Luckey’s politics don’t affect his product one bit, but Facebook’s disturbingly Orwellian business practices certainly do. Was so hyped for the Rift and now my sights are firmly set on the Vive.

Some if it may be age, but this game actually just looks incredibly generic. I can’t get into it for the same reason. It just seems like a 3rd person far cry. It just has that treadmill feel to it, run from place to place, climb towers, fetch pelts, craft items, grind points into skill trees. Very safe, very generic,

Wrong. There is no host. It’s a hybrid form of P2P

Currently working through the witcher 3. BTFO. Sounds like you’re salty. Nothing salty about criticizing the overexposure of a visual novel with solidly B- art simply because the developer has connections. I call out bullshit where I see it.

“I don’t think I was ever going to play this game”

I know right? They need to stop trying to make this irrelevant game happen. It’s never going to happen. No matter how many people on the kotaku staff this developer knows.

“Go eat shit”

Aww man, you deleted the comment about how Ted Cruz roasted the shit out of you on Twitter? I gotta say, I can’t blame you. Must be pretty embarrassing to get out-memed by an old out of touch white man.

Hey, idk who you guys are I just came here to look around after Ted Cruz roasted the shit out of you on Twitter. Delete your account.

Oh my gosh, people actually still say “microaggressions” unironically? I’m dying.

No dude, of course not. Nobody owns an xbox. Nobody.

It’s not really a “damn if you do/don’t” when you have the third option of just, I dunno, releasing a single finished version of a game and nobody gets damned.

It must be a real pain being called a sellout for writing about video games on a video game website. Because you clearly don’t really care about a game that you were in the top 1,000 players for at one point.

Well, they’ve got my money. I will gladly support any game that fights this ridiculous trend.