I suppose it leaves him that much less time for writing, which is an overall good thing.
I suppose it leaves him that much less time for writing, which is an overall good thing.
Shove that bedbug motherfucker in to a Tomahawk cruise missile and shoot him in to the Persian Gulf. At least half of the Times’ Op Ed writers can join him.
Don’t forget, Moscow Mitch is also Mandarin Mitch. McConnell never met an international currency he wouldn’t betray his country for.
90 Octane minimum, but only premium electricity.
As James May once famously said about the Veyron:
Yeah....During his tenure, Rapelisberger has been accused of rape and paid off THREE women. Kaep took a knee. Richie Incognito is playing in the NFL after requesting to remove and keep his dead father’s head. Kaep to a knee during the national anthem.
The NFL doesn’t love us enough to give us this, watching racist Steeler fans melt down would make me buy NFL network
Will you discover that you have OCD after seeing fingerprint smudges all over the screens?
Is that you Ben?
I live a quarter-mile from Heinz Field, and I want to stand on my roof and witness the Yinzer Apocalypse.
Oh yeah!
It won’t do doughnuts... it only does ones and zeros...
You’re about to be Taycan for a ride
Why is it so ugly and overpriced and unreliable and stupid?
Have you driven Tesla’s in order to do a compare/contrast? Cause thats the obvious thing here. I was just in portland where i was seeing 911 GT3 RSs and Ferrari’s parked on the street and enough 6 figure cars, in general, to stock a full parking garage so in some parts of the country there is plenty of money for a…
I wish. Our map is gerrymandered AF, thanks to the Repubs changing the rules to stay in power. The people in control of the House are some of the shittiest you can imagine. Even though there was strong bipartisan support for common sense gun legislation this year, the House leadership refused to even allow a vote.…
Virginia Is For Losers.
As a former North Carolinian, though - the statement was unprompted but not untrue.
I thought right-wingers were against participation trophies for loses.