I want to say that the news had just come in? I can’t remember now but I swear they had JUST announced it.
I want to say that the news had just come in? I can’t remember now but I swear they had JUST announced it.
Out POTUS IS an idiot and a wimp. Cmon Sam Bee bring it.
So refreshing to finally have a government that isn’t made up of delicate little snowflakes like the left is made up of.
Kim Jong Orange, like most despots and tyrants, lacks the ability to laugh at himself.
They should invite Hillary too. She did win the popular vote, after all.
Hell, go all out and have Alex Baldwin as Trump and Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer.
Leslie Jones should sit in as Trump. Doesn’t have to say a word. Just sit next to the comic and pout.
Not to mention those of us who are brown/black. Raise your hand if you grew up in the Clinton era, raise your hand if you were considered a ‘Behavioral’ Kid in a town like Lexington Ma, getting chased by the cops because you beat up a bully. Yah, us “super-predators” might have only been 11 but we remember.
Can’t wait for the Jill Stein voters to say this validates their votes in 2016, and refuse to support efforts to elect Democrats in 2018, because, really, when you come right down to it, Trump’s policies don’t really affect them very much.
Agreed. And there is also something to be said for the word fanaticism here. For the past fifteen years, in the United States, that word has been preceded by “Islamic.” We have our own ‘home-grown’ fanaticism and it’s an ugly one.
Oh the delightful, slobbering on themselves in a rage knots they were tying themselves in to defend this was a beautiful thing to behold. My favorite defense “Red, white and blue are just patriotic colors and if you were a real patriot you would know that”.
Trump supporters waved around Russian flags with “TRUMP” plastered on them, a prank by 22-year-old Jason Charter and 36-year-old Ryan Clayton. “Most people didn’t realize it was a Russian flag, or they didn’t care,” Charter told the Atlantic in a phone interview.
perhaps - we have generations of people who would rather spare another’s feelings that ensure their own pleasure.
In August of 1935, Jacques Kapralik arrived in America as a Jewish refugee of Hitler’s Germany. Born in Bucharest in…
Which is why it’s ironic that the two places in which a functioning loaded firearm is not allowed are the GOP National Convention and the NRA Convention.
Well, the Koch brothers are at about 50 billion or so each and still counting at their age. Hopefully, one day, they’ll make enough to finally overcome their economic anxiety.
Deep down he knows that Good Guy With Gun isn’t going to be protecting him.