
That, and if our salvation is expected to come from US CEOs, I’m headed to a survivalist shelter forthwith.

Trump’s gonna show them this One Weird Trick that he guarantees will revitalize our economy*.

Also, every time someone shoots down a neo nazi or crazy alt-right person they all clamor about restricting free speech. But apparently to them Meryl and other award winning actors don’t have the right to free speech as much as pedophile-apologists and white supremacists.

There are several actors/celebrities that seem well informed and disseminate useful information or opinions. I don’t automatically assume they’re spouting off because they think they’re better than us lowlifes or they think they have some magical influence over us or they’re doing it for press. Some of them are actual

Agreed! - Streep has been on fire ever since the election cycle.

What right-wingers are upset by is that they can’t get any A-listers on their side. It drives them up the wall because they’re into celebs as much as everyone else and it just kills them that they’re always stuck with the likes of Scott Baio.

+1 and totally agree but Meryl Streep dropped some actual knowledge at the Emmy’s. She played Trump off himself and came out on top per usual, so sometimes award shows actually provide some real insight into a world not many literally understand.

Trump supporters also believe in Santa Claus, pearly white Jesus, and have the amazing ability to directly vote against their own best interest, while simultaneously being giant hypocrites about their own immigration heritage, supporting the same kind of fascism their parents fought against, while sucking each others

My favorite thing about conservatives who get upset about celebrities “getting political” is how they trot their own token conservative celebrities out the first chance they get:

Yeah, this is essentially what a slightly younger JujyJr looks like irl.

I have a friend who’s daughter is about the same age and comes from a Mexican background. And she is fully aware how this election treated women and immigrants. She has a strong mother, and I know she’ll grow up to be just as smart and hard working.
If I was in the GOP, my only question would be: “Why am I doing my

Cotton changed the venue five times in three days in order to confuse his constituents to try and make sure they wouldn’t show up (or that only his most diehard fans/supporters showed up). Thankfully the media was on it and people found out the right place to go.

It’s really inspiring to see all of these people participating in the town halls. I loved it when one of the audience members asked Cotton, “What kind of insurance do you have?”

They can mock it all they want, I love it. We’re in a very scary time and a bold motto is appropriate. Frankly, if Fox News came out with it four years ago the Republicans would be cheering for it.

“Donald Trump makes Mexicans not important to people who are in Arkansas who like Mexicans, like me and my grandma and all my family,” Toby Smith, age 7, told Cotton to loud cheers from the packed auditorium. “And he’s deleting all the parks and PBS kids just to make a wall. He shouldn’t do that. He shouldn’t.”

You mean ‘fine-tuned machine’ because grammar always comes first!

Yeah, that guy golfed WAY TOO MUCH. /s