
This - this is why I read Jalopnik, and this is what Jalopnik used to exclusively be; a non-biased place where car lovers could go to read about cars.

“The notion that you should be punished because there are bad people out there yearning to jack your stuff is just nuts. What’s next from here? “

“Socialist projects pay people living wages.”

“Again, this is coming from one of America’s best allies, not some fringe anti-American group the Progressives.”

“Actually black people don’t have the privilege and power to be racist.”

According to your esteemed colleague, nothing happens next:

Okay. But as of today, there’s no law against being greedy. There’s punitive taxation and other ways government can “spread the wealth around”, but there’s no law on the books. Yet.

The only reason the workers have the opportunity to earn money is because of another person or persons who started the company. If said workers are not happy with how much of the pie they are bringing home they can either find another job that pays more, or they can start their own company. Virtually 100% will take

Says who? Do I earn too much money, and am I greedy because I want to earn more? Maybe you earn more than me; you’re greedy if you want a raise. Do you see the problem with leaving the definition of “too much” up for judgement by the government?

You’re absolutely correct; GM should NOT have gotten a bailout. But before anybody starts with that asinine statement of “What? You’d let GM shut its doors??!!!”...no, no, no. GM should have declared bankruptcy then used those protections to restructure, renegotiate its debts, etc. Instead, it got given a

Of course it’s going to be difficult to fire back up supply chains; that’s our fault for letting them wither on the vine during the offshoring craze. But, once they’re re-established; it works. If you distill it down, you’re complaining about it being hard to start up a company - no sh!t??!!

Novak, we might be hurtling towards a decision for you; one you’ll have to publicly make.

Who says I have one? Sorta presumptive for a diverse-appreciative leftist.

Trump wasn’t my guy, sweetheart.

You’re right: I’m so glad that we listened to people like you throughout history and did nothing about the Nazis, etc. It just would have inflamed them and if we would just leave them alone they wouldn’t harm anyone. 

That’s debatable, but I’m also not paid to write for a living like he is. His writing SHOULD be better than mine, don’t you think? His problem is he’s more of political hack than a journalist. You’re not intellectually equipped to tell the difference.

Sorry dude; “trigger warnings” are a fabrication of the left, so that’s all you. “Snowflakes” are also synonyms for leftists. You guys own those terms all on your own. You should be embarrassed that your side had to invent those concepts (you’re not, though).

Sorry sweetheart; “safe spaces” are an invention of the left (you). Your kind owns that 1000%.

There are military analysts that are wishing they had your knowledge of the result of the bombing. You should share your information regarding the destruction of the facilities, equipment, etc. so they have some knowledge other than how many bad guys were killed.

Don’t worry everyone; Novak will be sure to shout from the rooftops if any innocents are killed. He’s an active member of the Blame America First crowd, especially since Trump was elected. If Obama had done this action (Ha!), and there had been unintended collateral damage, Novak would be as silent as a church mouse