Me either! As a good Democrat, you should be appalled at Elizabeth Warren’s treatment of women when it comes to equal pay:
Me either! As a good Democrat, you should be appalled at Elizabeth Warren’s treatment of women when it comes to equal pay:
I’ll bet a week’s wages that the reason this article was so late being posted was Starr was trying desperately to find some way to blame this on Trump, or Trump supporters, or how Obama had warned this would happen, etc.
He’s an Affirmative Action applicant; that’s what got him any school that accepted him. No other qualities or accomplishments mattered; only his race.
Amen! It’s not a “race car” as the headline proclaims. Racing is a sport. Drifting is not a sport; it’s a performance art. Anything -anything- that requires judges is not a sport.
Hopefully you read the comments and can understand that somebody else with a gun can come and take away all your supplies, leaving you and your kids with nothing.
Your post is filled with contradictions. You correctly state that you need to have a gun, then you state that you’re going to call 911. What if they don’t come for three hours because they’re overloaded in a crisis? What if they don’t come at all?
Drag racing requires basically the same amount of skill as stock car racing. I concur with your statement as long as you can agree that NASCAR fans are all mouth breathers too.
I am quite familiar with science; I have two advanced degrees in the “hard” sciences, and I can tell you that you can bend and coerce data to say anything-freaking-thing you want it to. You’re being played for what’s been termed a “useful idiot” (not my term): somebody who can be manipulated and scared to then vote…
There’s no way that a meddling government program like this could make things worse. No way.
You guys are so effed. Literally thousands of seats across the country have flipped from Democrat to Republican - at all levels of government. The only thing saving the Democrats from extinction was that America as a whole was too afraid of being labelled “racist” for not voting for the black guy. Your next…
There is a 100+% chance that Hamilton Nolan is economically illiterate. The same percentage applies to the commenters here, too. Getting your info from the TPC is like getting your news from Politico; they’re both useless garbage.
Hey, everybody remember: Trump is going to get his ass kicked on November 8th, 2016.
Must be like the Nancy Pelosi logic that for every dollar you pay out for unemployment it generates more than a dollar of economic activity.
You mean Obamacare is going to fall apart. It’s imploding and cannot be saved, and there’s not a single Republican fingerprint on it.
When Obamacare collapses, how will you spin it? There’s not a single Republican signature on it; the Democrats totally own it. It’s the single most destructive piece of legislation in a generation.
Good Gawd Terrell. You promised to be an unbiased writer and you just can’t help yourself, can you? It’s always the fault of Republicans.
Click. Bait. Article.
Yes, Orlove, we will now demand that cars be more expensive. I demand that the government tax us more on cars (and everything else). We deserve it! We’ve had it far too good for too long! Raise the tax on gasoline, too; our gas is too cheap!
Obamacare is imploding. It is the absolute hallmark of the combination of an inept (and economically illiterate) president and a complicit congress. How many Republicans voted for Obamacare? Exactly the same number of Democrats who understood that it was the single worst piece of legislation in many generations.
So you have the situation of somebody coming in to give you real-world information that might save your life (literally), and you turn it into another smug insult fest article.