For anything! Your statement should apply to the entire solar market.
For anything! Your statement should apply to the entire solar market.
“...a dense, smug, bafflingly confident collection of words” pretty much describes this site when they start talking about Trump and conservatives. The definition of “ironic.”
Not mentioned by name, but there’s still the veiled “American is at fault” attitude of “Russia only violates treaties because it feels threatened because of something America has done.” Basically, Starr is giving a pass to Russia for bad behavior because America is a sh!tty country and know, one of the…
Answer to your headline: None. Because Obama laughed when Romney suggested Russia was a geopolitical foe, and told Romney that the 80s want their foreign policy ideas back.
Sure; mass transit. I mean, the subway comes right to my house out in the country. Hundreds of millions of people who don’t live in a city have mass transit service right to their door. Buses, light rail; they all come up my driveway and go directly to where I work.
Don’t worry; Obama raised 800 billion dollars to fund infrastructure repairs. I’m sure it just hasn’t been doled out yet.
Good thing we protect you with them! It’ll be hilarious if Trump actually sends your country a bill like he’s talking about. Once you have to start paying out for your defense your condescending tone will vaporize.
...and what happened to the 800 billion stimulus package that was supposed to do this..? There’s no way Obama lied about that, right, so where did all that money go?
This report has to be fake news; Obama got the 800 billion “stimulus” package passed in order to fund rebuilding our nation’s highways, bridges, etc. Shovel-ready jobs, etc.
There are none left, because the bag was labelled “Obama’s dick” and you gobbled them all up.
No, he probably watched the same video I just did, from 2014, of Obama saying the same thing. If you weren’t so busy slobbing Obama’s knob you would have realized what he was saying at the time.
Oh, so you didn’t like the TONE the exact same information was relayed to you in? Go to your safe space, special snowflake.
Really? You got jokes about joining ISIS after 9/11?
Solar panels are totally viable! Yay Solyndra!
Seriously, it’s effing stupid to think that electrification is at a point to replace oil/coal any time in the next 50-100 years. You and your ideals are a joke.