
Sorry, I don’t have any experience with antidepressants and Vyvanse. I’m sure you can find a combo that will work for you, though, there are so many options out there. Good luck!

Just as a FE(everyone’s)I, 0.04 BAC is the legal limit for driving in at least several European countries.

Excellent point. Now I’m curious as to which came first - societal standards for “appropriate” levels of alcohol intoxicants, or the ability to empirically test those levels.

I understand that in some cases weed is prescribed (or used for self-medication where it’s illegal) for chronic pain, nausea, etc.

Makes sense! A glass of wine as you settle down to work at 8PM Sunday is certainly an American tradition.

Certainly people have different experiences with marijuana. I have a friend who credits his biochemistry career to starting to smoke in college - otherwise he would never have been able to pass organic chem.

I completely agree, and also take Vyvanse.

“Sativa, a skinnier-looking plant, is heavier on the CBD; it’s “day weed,” a head high, cerebral and amusing, and the kind I smoke when I need to work.”

Quick story time: I was interviewing candidates for a three-years-experience advertising job. HR hadn’t brought me any good candidates in a few weeks, when they sent me a great-looking resume. Super well-written, great experience, awesome candidate.

A little bit of column A, a little bit of column B ;)

A question I’ve been wondering about purpose-packing and multi-use tools in general: how much duplication should one have?

Just to add one more voice - it’s good for organizing things you need one-by-one and once-in-a-while.


What are you getting at here? Implying that people are more likely to support throwing out the data security of millions around the world when the terrorist is white instead of brown?

Actually, less than half of US Circuit and District Court judges are old, white men. (2014)

I considered getting one of these, but purchased a few LIFX bulbs instead.

I considered getting one of these, but purchased a few LIFX bulbs instead.

To me, the most terrifying aspect of systemi- or galacti-forming is the unknowns.

But this cop wasn’t in any more danger than any motor vehicle stop.

Why don’t the called-out points match the graphics?

A better option than Twilight hopefully, if it can change colors at the system level. Twilight messes with your screenshots because of the overlaying.