
I blame Daulerio

What year?

You missed my qualifier.

You missed my qualifier.

Leicester, if I’m not mistaking, has the lowest salary # of any team that’s been in the premier league for the past two seasons. Just makes this accomplishment all the more remarkable.

We are so lucky to have good things in this country, like 4-7 games “that matter” involving the 2016 Houston Rockets.

My white, upper-middle class father from my birth to 2010: Universal Healthcare will be terrible and cost me a fortune.

No edit/delete function. Used the wrong form of there/their/they’re.

I’ve got a few years of media-relations for professional athletes under my belt.

If I did? Well, first off... I’m never getting to the table (or even in the restaurant) for that dinner. I’m no Tiger Woods, though.

Their seems to be a direct correlation between using Ambien and believing in ghosts.

A man paying for his own dinner and having this spoken about him 10 years later (for not picking up the whole group’s tab) is insane: “He’s a weird f—-ing guy. That’s weird s—-. Something’s wrong with you.”

You’re the same person that would laugh at people when they flinch at a ball hit into the net in front of them.

So, I’ll bite. If 1st was occupied, why didn’t the umpire apply the infield fly rule?

Some parks will leave gaps like this to appease photographers.

Come on, Kevin.

I was on the course all 4 days.

... OK

Hahaha, it’s funny because the well-rounded and talented analyst ruined his career doing what he loved in one stupid moment over a decade ago.

I’m guessing you didn’t look too close at the picture.