what a cliche

There’s as much proof that Allen is guilty as there is Weinstein is; that is to say, none. There are accusations that we believe, but that’s it.

Dude, this is the second time I’ve seen you jump in to defend Allen. Must you?

And grabbing a body part isn’t a physical attack?

I appreciate the pedantry; you learn something new every day.

Except assault is unwanted physical contact. That IS the definition of it. If I grabbed your arm in a bar and gave you a bruise because of it it would be assault. If I grabbed your breast in the same way, it’s still assault.

Too late. Apparently, because Allen was never convicted in a court he’s innocent.

Yeah, it’s always been heartening to me how he’s disavowed his father for the grossness with his sisters.

Wow, I did connect the dots of Ronan Farrow, son of Mia Farrow and horrible person/sexual assaulter Woody Allen, and Ronan Farrow, reporter who reports on sexual assault(among others) stories.

THIS so succinctly explains what’s been bugging me about the attacks against everyone who “should have known” and “should have said something”. Thank you.

ngl it’s usually white boys who look boring af. MOC, on the other hand, bring the style.

To be fair though Reese is getting to be known for producing as well; I doubt that her producing is truly just an empty credit.

Definitely ask for the money back.

Getting Equifax to do anything has literally been pulling teeth. It’s amazing. Glad I filed a report as soon as I could, and I’m glad that this is at least one thing it looks like Congress is taking seriously(even if only because they’re effected too).

Not bad, but they lost me at the Israel nonsense. I hate how otherwise logical/rational people suddenly turn to idiots when it comes to Israel and Palestine.

thanks hannah for not implying that demi is gay now, like a ton of other articles are loving to do.

Ah, good old Israel bashing always finds a way into any post with Gal in it. Still don’t know why people are so incredibly eager to jump down Israel’s throat when they’re fairly equally bad as the rest of the ME AND no worse than our own country. I know a lot of people who protest them AREN’T antisemitic, but I just

Seriously, I hit play and scrolled down and had to scroll back up to make sure I wasn’t watching a cat video.

Honestly, it’s not that super religious. Most of its faith-related stuff is just general do-good-be-a-good-person stuff and not whacking you over the head with god.

Totally fell in love with pocket Hemsworth in Westworld. He even looks a bit like my preferred Chris (Pine) so it’s nice.

Amazing, (in general) recreational/optional things have gotten cheaper and necessary things have gotten more expensive.