
Every photo of Paxton Lynch looks like a mug shot after a college kegger. I see photos of him and expect to read the phrase “charges dropped.”

The behavior speaks volumes about their lack of defense. The administration has issued nothing but blanket denials and red herrings. If they had a shred of actual defense they’d trot it out by now.

Now playing

Turn On The Bright Lights is a good album.

Obviously it’s communion wine, which most of the time is grape juice.

I don’t actually have an issue with Christian Conservatives arguing that marriage is only between a man and a woman. But I think if they are going to be arguing that then they should also be pushing for the government to remove all laws related to marriage in any way as they all violate the First Amendment.

Not to go and be dismissive, but your worry assumes one thing that isn’t necessarily true.

Even two eminently qualified candidates will have objective features in terms of there output in school, on the field, and outside of school (community service, volunteering, various awards, family background), that it’s nearly

It’s not provable. There isn’t security camera footage of him walking in on this woman’s (note I am calling her a woman where he consistently, repeatedly calls her a girl) shower. What we *can* prove is that she made the accusation. And he has a history of defensively discussing other sexually aggressive actions (see

Or, y’know, thanks to the hashtag it’s someone finding the confidence to finally speak up about something that happened to her, something that should never fly or be simply downplayed. And come on, demanding “proof” for something like this? It’s a damn shame she didn’t record the whole event, huh? Or take some

To answer your question, man o man I’m not nuts. I alluded to a change in public viewing habits, but now I’ll be more specific. The ratings drop can be attributed in part to factors like cord-cutting, streaming, and the growth of products like Red Zone. Yet even with that in mind, 17 of the Top 20 network programs

Trump’s tweets aren’t what’s stopping the Republicans from enacting their agenda. The problem is they’re terrible at selling it to the American public, and they can’t come to an agreement on what to do. Pence doesn’t fix that. So you go from Trump’s unhinged rantings to Pence’s 40 cliches said with a smirk, but that

I’m not sure I believe the GOP’s lack of legislative progress has much to do with Trump. They’re just fighting with themselves. If they had sent a bill to Trump, he’d have signed it. And Trump or no Trump, folks like Bannon seem eager to wage war within the GOP. Pence can’t really change that.

Are you guys still fighting over this? Jesus Christ.

Unless there’s evidence somewhere that all or even some of the team owners sat down and decided as a group not to employ him, I think he’s going to have a hard time proving that what we’re seeing is actually collusion and not just happy coincidence. There’s several teams that wouldn’t even be on the market for a QB,

I don’t know or care how much your situation and my situation compare. I do know that I pay taxes now, and I used to get a tax refund. Does it suck? Yeah, kinda. But now that my husband and I are both educated professionals, nothing is stopping us from up and deciding to be poor again. We could TOTALLY go back to low

Advice from someone who’s been playing a while. Strategy depends on the map. On the newer maps, generally rush as a group and flip the spawn. Take advantage of the surprising amount of players that join matches AFK. Hold the flipped spawn and another agreed upon point. B isn’t always the best, e.g. the EDZ map with

You mean there’s a better way!?

Megyn Kelly would be right twice a day too, so... (e.g., maternity leave)

shit, when did football get taken off the list of sports? did it take chess, bowling, and poker with it?

You’re right, but this sort of thing still routinely happens in today’s game. Things are really only less goony in today’s game in the sense that there’s less fighting and fewer enforcers. Trying to injure one’s opponent is still very much a part of the NHL.