
I still pop the game in once a week or so to just “Zen out” for a bit. It’s a very good relaxation/Galactic Photographer simulator and is exactly what I had always expected the game to be.

Mafia 3 is packed full of white guilt shit. Lara Croft just had to face her rapey moment. Kratos now trudges slowly in the snow teaching a kid about life.

Here’s the thing though. Democrats did. I reposted this all over the place today, but it bears repeating.

“I can’t be racist - I’ve never lynched anyone!”

It must be nice to be so privileged and hope for something so simple.

This is not the outcome I wanted, but it is the outcome we have reached. That is how democracy works.

I can’t believe people are still bitching about how other people spend their money and have fun, and insisting that their idea of “better” and “fun” is the only correct answer.

While we’re bashing the central valley I’d like to go ahead and throw Modesto in there.

I wish I could star this entire comment thread...

Try Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. It’s been out for a couple of years, so it’s cheap. Action=packed and has a cool nemesis system that has any orc who kills you move up in the ranks and become more powerful. It’s fun to be in the middle of a big fight and all of the sudden the orc you have beef with shows up WWE

If you’re not going to include the good flavors, why bother rating any of them?

Hi, Sephora employee and fragrance expert here. Not only is tobacco an incredibly popular and wonderful smelling ingredient in several noteworthy fragrances, this particular Tom Ford parfum is from his Private Blends collection and runs for over $200. Give it a shot sometime! It’s more earthy/warm smelling than

3 reasons:

Clearly he’s never had a double-double with grilled onions.

Say what you want about Draymond but at least his shaft didn’t hurt anyone.

Just like guitar chords.