
It’ll probably get the defendants acquitted and Chris Christie will have to answer for precisely none of it.

Genuine question: How many people died because of Bridgegate? I remember hearing at least 1 person died because an ambulance couldn’t get through the traffic, but I’m wondering if there weren’t more.

So mean...+1

Not to mention, Trump’s “foundation” donated to Bondi’s “foundation” in a way that blatantly violated IRS rules. So not only did he give a bribe, he even managed to violate IRS rules in the process!

Me too, ‘Hair Führer’ is too good not to swipe.

This is true. His political career is over in NJ. He’s incredibly unpopular. He’s term limited out anyway so even if he wanted to run again he can’t. Now with his dream of being President dead he has to grovel to Trump in hopes he’ll get appointed to some cabinet position. He certainly won’t be elected to anything

If it was literally anyone but Chris Christie I would feel bad, because it has to really hurt to be personally despised by someone you admire so much. But it's Christie, so instead I find it really, really funny.

Meanwhile the guy Christie is supporting bribed a Florida attorney general to not investigate his sham university.

I don’t even like Springsteen and I find that whole thing hysterical.

LOLOL, can we please use this any time news breaks?

With acquittals but no indictment of Christy. That’s fucked up.

I don’t know what the fuck I just read, but I love it.

And yet he’ll still go on to call Hillary TEH MOST CORRAPT EVARRRRR!!!

Hair Führer

Drumpf the Coward likes to have the aggressive bully Christie on a leash and particularly enjoys humbling him and making him beg.. Makes him feel quite the man.

Nothing this good ever seems to happen in the real world....but we can dream!

Who DIDN’T see this coming?

Donald Trump, you’re his only hope (for a pardon.) No wonder he’s working so hard to elect Hair Führer.

My instinct is Donald liked Christie cause Christie liked him, ala Putin, and would have had him around regardless of this because The Donald can defend anything.

I bet Donald Trump saw this coming.