Heck, women who don’t look “girly” enough have been harassed and assaulted in women’s restrooms—and they’re cis women!
Heck, women who don’t look “girly” enough have been harassed and assaulted in women’s restrooms—and they’re cis women!
It seems to me it would be a lot easier for a rapist to dress up as a janitor or maintenance worker to get into women’s bathrooms than to disguise himself as a woman. (In fact, most of the planting of cameras and peepholes that happens in women’s restrooms has been done by maintenance workers, as well as proprietors…
Because this is projection from Republicans, who have a long-standing tradition for getting caught doing perverted things in public restrooms.
Notice how it’s our responsibility to keep our silly selves from being attacked or raped outside the bathroom, but these fucking idiots are incredibly concerned about us within the confines of the bathroom and the bathroom only. /huge eyeroll
+1 My head nearly exploded when a Book of Faces post talked about “protecting women and girls” from a rapist who would pretend to be transgender. Well, really, rapists could pretend to be any number of things to get access to any number of places - for reference: a UPS man getting someone to answer the door, a police…
Apparently, that’s something I have trouble with.
It makes sense as long as you don't think about it.
Soooooo many times this. ^^
My mother, who still lives in Texas, was just asking me about this today. (She’s convinced that the idiots shouting about this bullshit are all secret perverts. “Why else would they imagine that happening?”) It’s about fear mongering and misinformation because people don’t respond to reason, logic, or common human…
Because the best way to appeal to white, conservative men is through the idea of protecting their property. “Wives and daughters! Imagine it was your daughter!” Nevermind the idea of someone’s trans daughter being sent into a men’s room where she would be a million times more vulnerable.
I’m really sorry that you were sexually assaulted but I wanted you to know that this comment made me laugh hysterically. The snark is SO good.
The thing that really gets me is how utterly irrelevant the target of their discriminatory bullshit is. I’m in Australia, but not too long ago we had some regressive shithead running for a seat in parliament, and the main thrust of his election promises was to ban the wearing of burkhas. His reasoning? You can’t tell…
Interesting fact of the day, Greg Abbott is actually a paraplegic, except there appears to be a media conspiracy to almost never photograph him in full. Seriously, the Google Image Search for Greg Abbott produces literally a single picture of him a wheelchair.
Which itself is another pernicious lie: nerds don’t rape! Only muscular jocks commit rape!
Let’s leave Harry out of this. (Also, I never even connected that they’d made him look nerdy and innocent.)
Isn’t that the whole point of jail... to be punished? I mean, you’re not supposed to like jail.... right?
Sounds like the prosecutor supports your thesis.
Wow. So now he gets what it’s like for someone to trap you and force you to undergo an experience you don’t want to go through?* Huh?
Yeah, exactly! His perplexed “NO, They said they’d get me more!!!” made me LOL.