
Here's something I genuinely didn't understand about the early episodes. Maybe I missed something. So Chico and the others rip off Cottonmouth to the tune of $1 million. As I understand it, getting this money back is more than a matter of pride - Mariah mentions that they need the cash back because she loaned

They mostly come at night…mostly.

I never really understood - are there other aliens known to humanity in the Alien universe? Who do those marines usually fight? I think one of them references the drop onto LV 426 as being another "bug hunt" or something, so do they deal with space monsters, or what?

Yeah. And then Keri Russell kills him in the finale.

I was always waiting for Roger to be outed as a deep-cover Soviet agent.

Bourbon. Cheap and mixed if I'm in a bar; a bit more upmarket and neat if I'm at home. Check me out, I am just like The Catch, whatever that is.

Armagnac Tamzarian. I am a fancy boy.

Nathan, I don't mean to tell you your business but based on the way the site is going, I'm pretty sure you need to be writing about burgers now.

So I guess the AV Club is now just about fast food joints that don't exist where I live?

The two of them watching the Oscars, and Sara Lynn's happiness turning to fear was the real gut punch for me. The fact that BoJack, upset at seeing his own dream disappear had managed to take hers away as well really just put to bed any hope that this all might end…if not well, exactly, then at least somewhat

Umm, the Statute of Liberty isn't home to a secret branch of the FBI. It's home to the Department of Defense. As Colonel Broyles explains, the FBI was disbanded in the alternate universe, and Olivia's reference to it is one of the things that gives away the fact that her brainwashing has worn off. Boy, I hope someone

Sebastian works a do-nothing office job, at a military contractor company called "Rize or Die".

Three things:
1) Is this like American Sniper where Clint Eastwood tried to make a reluctant hero out of someone who never really seemed all that reluctant to embrace their fame?
2) Did anyone really criticize Sullenberger after the landing? I remember near universal positive reporting.
3) Isn't this just Flight with a

Outside of the AV Club, Starwipe has been shuttered (which I can understand - it occupied an awkward middle ground between news and satire). Are these cuts imposed by Univision?

Nooo! You can't abandon us now! I have so many things to rant about in the 'Torn' review next week! Helo's actions don't make any sense!

'Cura Te Ipsum' doesn't get enough credit, I think. That was the episode that convinced me to stick with the show after its early OK-not-great episodes. "Help me make a good decision" from Reece was perfectly chilling and just ambiguous enough (I'm pretty sure he murdered that guy though).

Man, who would have thought that a CBS procedural would quickly grow into one of the smarter, more prescient explorations of the security state in pop culture, and then morph once again into the most thought provoking, high-minded straight sci-fi shows going?
It's been a wild, strange ride. I'm glad I didn't give up on

Kinda funny considering that The West Wing was a sort of alternate universe Clinton administration.

This may just be me, but was anyone else a little disappointed at how Ice-9 just kinda came out of nowhere last week? It seems like if Finch has theoretically been able to destroy Samaritan this whole time, it should have come up before (especially as it could have generated some real tension between him and Root).

Only Bernie Sanders will put Rage Against The Machine back on the radio.