
I don't know if they'll ever get the boobs out of video games, but it makes me sad that future generations of gamers will get them without having to also ponder the nature of language in warfare.

Although I will say this - looking back, even though it catches the most flak, I think that The Phantom Menace is the best of that trilogy. It was the last movie that was made with real shit on real sets. It has a beginning, a middle and an end, whereas AOTC and ROTS are essentially formless. And it has the best

I know it's hard, people. I was 12 when The Phantom Menace came out. I convinced myself it was good for, like, two years. And then I had to convince myself that even if Menace was bad, then Attack of the Clones was good, and so on and so forth. So much lying, to myself and to those closest to me. You just have to let

Jesus, this has been on for five years now?

He would fit the Daniel Craig-era trend of only hiring slightly weird-looking Europeans for villain gigs.

One of the absolute best movies of the decade.

See also "The Deconstruction of Falling Stars", "And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder" and "And The Sky Full Of Stars".

I have always been a Stannis fan, maybe even a Stannis apologist, but this just seems to make no sense, and not just from a book perspective, either.

Boy do I regret liking the AV Club on Facebook before reading this article.

I love this show. Even though it relies on weirdly non-sexual serial killers who have the time and resources to devote to getting the display of a victim's body just so, I love this show.

I guess the parents have to be the rescuers? Otherwise, I'd throw 'Spartan' in there as well.

I think you've just got to find the right game. I suffer from the same changing relationship with gaming - I'm now much more time poor than I used to be, and gaming tends to occur in hour-long blocks right before bed. As a result, I found GTA V paralyzing, even as I admired it. I wound up driving aimlessly rather than

Bummer, man. I was hoping this series would turn out to be either hilariously bad or intriguingly good. Having it alternate between bland and lurid is pretty much the worst possible outcome.

Especially considering some of his contemporaries. Isn't Bruce Beresford a better fit, for example?

And yet I tackle ONE guy in a green suit and I get 90 days community service.

NBC Salutes Those Fighting The War On Christmas!

Red Nose Day?! What's next NBC - Christmas specials? Boxing Day? Nationalized healthcare?

That's a good point. The Nolan Batman fought organized crime, I guess. Daredevil probably does the most street-level crime fighting other than the Flash.

I think Nolan understood Batman better than people give him credit for now. I think he did a good job of taking comic book stories, especially the Miller ones, and removing the nihilism from them so that Batman could still be a functioning hero. And while he took some source material liberties, especially in 'Rises',

Agreed. Don't hold Candice Patton accountable for having to say "I feel like there's something my dad isn't telling me" five times an episode.