
Mads Mikkelsen, Mathieu Almaric, Javier Bardem, Christoph Waltz. The time has come to ask whether we will ever have a non continental European Bond villain again.

Apparently not.

I know the AV Club thinks this is something worth mocking, but they obviously haven't thought it through and considered the Peter Krause Effect.

Hey, yeah!

Shouldn't the Other SHIELD hate the Coulson SHIELD not because of superpowers or whatever, but because they kinda suck at their jobs? Coulson's team has, over the course of two years, harboured four different double agents (one quasi-HYDRA, two Other SHIELD and one cyberanarchist - who remains on the team, by the

I saw a two minute clip a couple of years ago set to Sleigh Bells' 'Born to Lose' that worked pretty well too.

Jeez, this show. Kind of makes you wonder why WB/DC are so keen to ignore all their good TV work in building their cinematic universe.

Today in reminders of the show's dark backstory: "Would you excuse me? I need to use the filth bucket…the powder room…"

"The stars… so beautiful."

Yeah, but this isn't a casual reference in a post-credits scene. This is a full-blown, season-long plot arc. It'd be like if Iron Man had a whole heap of scenes in the middle of the movie where Nick Fury shows up to tell Tony how awesome Thor and Captain America are, but that he can't introduce everyone just yet. It'd

Plus, there are an awful lot of people who see the movies but have tuned out of 'Agents of SHIELD'. Either nothing of consequence will happen on AoS with the Inhumans, or the Inhumans film will have a whole heap of backstory known only to those who were watching a low-rated broadcast drama half a decade earlier.

This is all well and good, but doesn't it seem like it would make more sense if the Inhumans movie was coming out at, like, Christmas instead of four years from now?

What are we doing, guys? I mean, big picture: does the world really need another bank?

Darker still, I thought, was when [SPOILERS]…

The Fantastic Mister Starfox is up there, I'd say

R2 And Threepio Are Dead

Harrison Ford will be way too old for whoever is cast as his robot love interest. More like 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Creeps', amirite?

Whooo Port Adelaide!

This guy's like an ox! He's got oxen-like strength! Hey, he needs a nickname, right? Why don't we call him 'Clamps'?

I don't necessarily think that this year's crop of nominees is 'bad', but it certainly highlights a lot of entrenched biases within the voting pool. The marginalization of women is present everywhere, not just behind the camera. Only one out of five Best Actress nominees is from a film nominated for Best Picture, as