
If this is true, I'm really looking forward to seeing what's next for Joss Whedon: will he announce new projects that never actually get made, or will we see some old hits like 'Goners', 'Buffy: The Animated Series' or 'Ripper' return to development hell?

Selina meets her greatest foe yet: the laser pointer.

I don't disagree that a Marvel spy movie would be awesome, and that Black Widow could be a great protagonist in it (especially with Hawkeye as a sidekick). But I don't think Marvel has all that much interest in making a movie where a major city doesn't explode in bloodless violence at the end of it. As I said, a Black

I think there are tonal differences, but they all come back to the middle by the end. In particular, the need to have a big CGI climax of urban destruction seems to have overpowered all other story considerations. 'Winter Solider', 'The Dark World' and 'Avengers' all feel very different for most of their running

All good points. I don't think a Black Widow movie would be different at all from a Bourne/Bond film. I just don't think that Marvel is all that interested in making that kind of movie, which sucks. The closest they came, as you pointed out, was 'The Winter Solider', and even that had to cast aside the intrigue and

Remember when Renee Montoya stories were interesting examinations of race, gender and sexuality in male-dominated environments? Like this: http://shehulk.sliverofice….

I'd hate to lose the Bennetts too, but a lot of work goes into bringing them into the show in the first place - they're apparently the biggest single criminal enterprise in that part of the State, have a whole county named after them (which is a bit weird), and are heavily involved with the Crowders and the Givens,

True, but it's still not a straight line through that first season. I just think that as well-written and well-acted as the show is, it's getting harder and harder to understand why so many things keep happening in rural Kentucky, whether it's major crime syndicates coming to town, or even just shooting deaths by one

Here's a controversial suggestion: 'Justified'.

I'm all for more female-driven comic book adaptations, and I'm annoyed that it's taken this long for both studios to have a single such film in development each. Having said that, though, I can understand why there hasn't been a Black Widow movie, even if I do like the character.

You did what we could not.

This is a minor point made a week too late, but I really liked that they gave Ward's brother a party affiliation last week when he popped up on the news (he's a Republican).

Space Madness.

I really liked this movie. I wouldn't describe myself as a Nolan fanboy, but I do enjoy his work. That said, Interstellar was a pretty big departure from his usual repertoire, thematically and visually (I suppose not having Wally Pfister along for the ride accounts for the latter).

It's just called 'Two Brothers'

While I understand the arguments for not wanting to pigeonhole female directors in female-centered projects, this seems like a good development to me. Given Wonder Woman's history as an explicitly feminist icon, and given the lack of diversity (including and especially gender diversity) in front of and behind the

Given how many times people have traveled to the past to fuck shit up, Arnold aging is really the least problematic aspect of explaining the Terminator franchise today.

Wow. Instead of shoehorning in another character from way down the road (Montoya and Allen, Captain Essen, ADA Harvey Dent, etc), they've actually cast someone from the right time period. Can't say I'm too happy about that development - I was kinda hoping they'd just keep piling on characters until they realized

SHIELD is more or less gone as a legitimate force in the world, though, and the show has already shown the US military picking up the slack with mixed results. The HYDRA threat matrix in 'Winter Soldier' also suggested that there are a lot more potential superhuman threats out there as well.

I guess they might just focus on the registration aspect of it. With the fall of SHIELD, there is no entity in the MCU that keeps tabs on superhumans, even as more of them show up. 'Agents of SHIELD' has already shown the US military attempting to fill that role with heavy-handed tactics.