Whale Biologist

When I was a tween I made a masturbation sleeve that vibrated using a toilet paper roll, some plastic baggies, masking tape, a 9-volt battery, and an electric motor from a remote control car.

"plastic cylinders with liquid inside and a hole in the middle and you smoosh them"

I'm obsessed because I started one comment thread on one article about her? Really? Please.

That's one of the big things that allows this kind of misunderstanding and ignorance to spread so easily; dosage is EVERYTHING. People need to understand that. But no, it's simpler to just mentally separate everything into "good" and "bad" categories, with no room for nuance. Ugh.

Your welcome! That whole "yoga mat chemical" thing was ridiculous. That chemical is used in TONS of stuff and has no proven negative health effects. But we're supposed to be SCARED because it is also sometimes used in the production of yoga mats? She feeds off people's ignorance and there's so much ignorance about

Who are these people that don't realize that these drinks are absolutely loaded with sugar? Like, really? They're insanely, sickly sweet.

No. No she has not done "good work". She's done nothing but scaremonger and push pseudoscience, her Kraft and Subway petitions included.

Honestly, if I was Starbucks I wouldn't have even dignified this idiot with a response at all.

Especially when they have absolutely no legitimate credentials!

First off, I was not expecting you to respond to my comment. So thanks for that!

Ugh, Food Babe. She is seriously the worst. A total hack who promotes pseudoscience, has absolutely no education in any kind of nutrition or food science (and yet holds herself up as some kind of authority), and basically does nothing but scaremonger and bully. Terrible, terrible person all around.

I think I read somewhere that he has said that he promised his wife that he wouldn't kill Arya.

What!? Selling products based on their actual merits!? What are you, high?

Once again, I don't understand what anything being "evil" has to do with this discussion. And what you're saying isn't so much an opinion as it is a statement of an incorrect fact that is not in line with our modern scientific understanding of pedophilia.

I don't think whether or not an urge is "evil" really has anything to do with what I said.

Pedophilia is a sexual attraction to children. Pedophiles who act on their urges are child molesters and rapists. I think you're having trouble separating the act of raping a child from the psychological urges that lead to that behavior.

"if it is true that there exists pedophiles who have never been sexually abused..."

Question: Are you a psychiatrist? And a follow-up: If not, what makes you think you're more qualified to determine the causes of pedophilia than the psychiatric community?

"what are y'all basing this on?"

"why is it that people want to believe that pedophilia's not a choice"