
It's funny that they didn't even mention illegal streaming or downloading, like that's not exactly what he would actually do.

Like they are Breaking Bad and the Sopranos and shows that are absolutely not targeted at them. As long as a show is very popular and hyped, high school kids will probably watch it.

Well, the show is called Riverdale, not Archie. I was also way more invested in Betty and Veronica than Archie, and I feel like Betty was the de facto lead of this episode : her arc had more twists and turns than the other two (she actually evolved within the episode while the two other leads stayed the same from the

Honestly he really doesn't look like he did on that show. I was really surprised when I recognized his name in the casting list.

Doesn't he have a deal with them to create or star in a certain number of shows ? And no, Im not thinking of Adam Sandler, I remember reading that somewhere.

But are they? Because it seems to me that the writers have established Felicity as a more important character than Laurel since the very first season. And again, I think you see pandering because that's what you want to see, Im pretty sure most people didn't think at all that there was any metatextual reason for that

"The wrong crowd of fans"? I hope even you realize that's a little extreme. There isn't a right or wrong way to be a fan of this show, only people who are more or less vocal about it (admittedly to an annoying degree sometimes). honestly I doubt there was anything meta behind that punch: it was a well deserved

Notes on this episode :
- Iris' crying about her fate was heartbreaking, if was really well acted
- There's like 9 members in Team Flash now! I would say it's a little crowded buf I feel like Julian's arrival telegraphs that he might be the reason why Savitar will be back
- Seriously, this apartment makes no sense. It

Someone needs to make a gif of that "I think we're related"scene. Those reaction shots killed me.
Other best scenes : Winston training with Nick to learn how to salute, Aly's freak out and, especially, Winston's reaction to it.

Great episode, made even greater by Meisner's return. I missed him so much I don't even care for them to explain how he's not dead. He needs his own #shirtlessrage scene before the series is over.

I know exactly what you're talking about. How come Friday became one of the best days for prime time TV?

Amongst other things, he grew up, faced a zombie apocalypse, and even died.

I had wondered before if it would ever come up how Rebecca is so much more educated (and just plain smarter) than Josh, as it's something that comes up in real life. The restaurant fantasy scene was cringeworthy but realistic. I wonder if they'll explore that more.

That was too far obviously, but it doesn't negate what I said about the previous scene.

Hmm, watch the first seasons again. He might not be a total ass, but he's part ass.
(Yeah, I just quoted Scott Pilgrim without realizing it)

I disagree that this episode didn't take the easy route for its punchlines, on the contrary. I usually, still, love watching Modern Family, but a lot of what happened in this episode was either too random or the most expected punchline, culminating in the coda about nut allergy which is a joke so so so played out that

It's the "Ted Mosby syndrome".

I actually related a bit to Lucy's roommates : Josh has always been a lovable asshole, oblivious to how shitty his behaviour is. In this case, he was clearly in the wrong in the scene where he interacts with the roommates. I agree the blonde one is kind of a judgemental mean girl, but Josh (and Lucy) should have at

I agree but I would argue you can write a good story with archetypes as characters, even now (IMO, Inception is pretty good but the characters - except DiCaprio - are literally just one thing). Shakespeare's plays are not passable; beside the archetypal characters, they're classic because of tons of other things

Yeah, I wouldn't say Now You See Me is passable because unlike most other films in the video, NYSM looks like a film that has ambition and tried something but just failed miserably and only delivered non-sense. Interstellar too isn't really a passable movie. There's no visible effort or ambition behind a movie like