
Are you kidding me with this woman? Fuck people like this. That is absolutely unacceptable not only as a parent, but as a decent human being. I hope she stands near a mustang at the next cars and coffee.

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? I spent 3 years on that program and not once did a person ever have a problem with the shifter. Can they recall cars because the drivers are morons?

Call me when they sell this one -

The cynic in me says that the idea isn’t to prevent the crime, just to punish you once you’ve committed it, there’s more money in punishment than prevention.

What? No! Sad Mazdaspeed3 is now sad.


I give them credit for using the cars—as if keeping them in heated garages under covers and only taking them out for short cruises on sunny weekends is so “manly”.

People lift Ridgelines?

I wish you the best of luck at a good job away from Gawker media. I hope all the Jezebel writers remain unemployed.

I’d rather just be thankful that they continued to let it “rot on the vine” in lieu of building nothing at all.

I can’t believe that, in 2016, any parent would endanger their child by exposing them to the kind of bullying that will inevitably come from wearing a fedora in public. You’re too old to wear a fedora. The world knows it. Your son’s classmates know it.

You’re either ignorant or severely uninformed.

Why is it that the interior of every private plane, no matter how expensive, ends up looking like a 1985 Starcraft van conversion?

Finally! A car to replace my ‘93 Civic with!

As someone who suffers from various allergies, I’ll try to be as diplomatic as possible here. That said...

You’re a dealer, aren’t you?

Well that escalated for no reason whatsoever...

Amarok please.

I own one. I used to have a sedan too. I’d kill to have an SS.

I want one of the little vans