
Um, nobody's ready to battle at the drop of a hat unless they got some serious issues, I don't think anyone's claimed that. All anyone has said is she probably does have an idea how to handle herself in a fight, given the training she's received in the military. You're attempting to polarize the issue between either

You make it sound as if they simply discuss combat theory rather than actively practice it. Keep in mind the very reason they have manditory service in the military in Israel, the reason Krav Maga was even invented, was because they are pretty damn paranoid of their enemies after WWII, and that paranoia survives even

Experience counts as part of combat, yes, but training and conditioning both physically and mentally for combat count just as well. Krav Maga, as well as Pekiti Tirsia Kali, MCMAP, and even Korean military Tae Kwon Do/Tang soo do are designed to train for life or death combat and to have their soldiers prepared for

Seriously, it's like people have never seen Ancient Greek armor before.

That's what the grives are for, in fact this is typical ancient Greek armor (when they wore armor and didn't just fight naked). Problem with ancient times was that any armor on the thigh; whether it be leather or plate, made it hard to move. On the other hand, it doesn't take much effort to lift your shin to deflect a

Her military training would include Krav Maga. Not that either of us can presume the level of training she continued after that, but she may know a little about actual combat...

During a new moon

Are you sure?

Oh HELL do they hurt! We used to use them for Pekiti Tirsia practice, definitely teaches you to respect the blade, possibly more than fighting with real knives because you will notice the pain the instant it makes contact. It literally feels like you're getting cut with them.

Heh, interesting to note that the sparring knives they're using actually have electric edges on them, so they will actually feel like getting cut with them; even moreso than getting cut with a real knife for an instant. But yeah, some of those guys techniques degrade quickly to being detrimental to even themselves.

Yeah, no, this was not an accident. you don't 'accidentally' sneak by posted personnel, hide a camera, and leave it recording...

Do you mean the nasty ass dark chocolate mint M&Ms, or the fucking awesome they're assholes for not having them ALL FUCKING YEAR ROUND Christmas Mint M&Ms? Also, no raspberry?

Actually, you do, that was the thing about it. It worked just like a fighting game where you could skip frames of animations on most attacks except for high risk moves (like attacking when they already are attacking, or using a gadget that left you vulnerable for a slight instant). In many instances, you could even

I thought the boss fights were in a pretty good order. I mean, yeah Deathstroke is Batman's equal, but everyone else is wiling to cheat their asses off to kill Batman. Deathstroke took the hand to hand route, while everyone else used poison, hostages or mass destruction to tie Batman's hands. I just wish Deathrstroke

I actually thought the timing in Origins was the best yet. Asylum was pretty much a sloppy rhythm game, while Arkham City was so 'on rails' I actually could breeze through that game, on hard and new game plus, without getting touched; all you had to do was press a direction, hit press the appropriate button, and stay

It really is, but that's Gawker media on a Monday for ya...

It's not the issue of attractiveness, it's the issue of saying something that makes one look like an asshat...

That wasn't a dive! You need to be more sensitive about his fainting goat syndrome >:(