
Actually, a lot of brick and mortar stores will drop the price on new games heavy a month after release, particularly for sales. While not always 1/2 off (depending on the title and how many copies they ordered), they'll go at least to 1/3 off. They only have so much shelf space and depending the season, they have to

Yeah, but SNK was far from serious trouble at the time, they weren't even anywhere near the level Sega was. That was the period they were starting to go into the red, and sales in Japan for the NGP were stagnating. Their franchises on the other consoles were doing decently, but they wouldn't be able to carry their

LoL, actually we're both wrong.

Sad thing, they actually did have those resources. They used to be the biggest pachinko machine distributor in Japan, until Playmore bought SNK and gutted them :\


Now playing

Really? They're using the mechanics from "Cool Cool Toon"? Why didn't they, you know, just make another COOL COOL TOON?!?

True, though I wouldn't be surprised at the amount of people who do leave without signing their kids out, even after being told to do so...

LoL, never said they weren't negligent, just that this is the most likely scenario, rather than just locking the child up and leaving because their time was up.

I'm thinking that the child was overlooked, may have been hiding somewhere (like children sometimes do) and they didn't realize he was still there. They probably presumed by the scheduled pick up time that his mother had already come and picked him up.


I think the problem is that yes it's a real issue, but the way it's being approached by both sides. Ubisoft made a serious misstep (or three) with the women's issue that they just decided a mandate from up high stating "NOBODY talks about women, understand?". On the other side though, it's like sharks smelling blood

Yup, it actually impeded the air flow and pushed the hotter air back into the console, rather than allowing it to vent. Who knew that throwing cold air against equal or more amounts of hot air would not actually rapidly cool the air... except everyone who's lived through tornado season in the midwest...

I dunno, aren't cartoon characters objects?

Smack it

I never gave a yes or no answer because I never specified with absolute certainty, just that it is very unlikely that this was accidental. Unless something is more forthcoming than a hastefully thrown out damage control from their PR department, no one has a definite answer other than those at Ubisoft.

Look, guy, you seem incredibly hellbent on believing that this is a coincidence, like your own rep is on the line; if that's how you feel then so be it. I for one am a lot more sceptical that the name Kayvon Fortin (ludicrously close to Trayvon Martin) who happens to be black, wearing a hoodie, and is involved with

As it has been pointed out, it is among thousands of randomly generated characters; wouldn't take too much effort to set of an algorithm to ensure it pops up very infrequently, particularly if they knew they were being cheeky about it. And yes, a rogue programmer could set this up, it's not like they introduced new

You seem to be equating a poor decision of a programmer with Ubisoft as a whole. Obviously there is no doubt that UBisoft would not have allowed something like this in under any circumstances because not only the moral issues it brings but the PR nightmare that would ensue. On the other hand, a wayward programmer

Of course, we could also end up with a minor update in the next few days that keeps that particular 'randomly generated' name from showing up.

In other words, UBIsoft rep spin doctors incident while HR quietly fires developer[s] in charge of 'random generation'...