I woulda started playing some Barry White, because, you know, a naked woman in my bedroom...
I woulda started playing some Barry White, because, you know, a naked woman in my bedroom...
I dunno, I wasn't too thrilled about them emphasizing more gunplay all of a sudden, either. It seem like they're now kind of appeal chasing and moving to cater to the lowest common denominator. To which, I suspect Ubisoft suits may have had a hand in this.
Innovation doesn't come easy, and it's usually 90% of the time a failure. No matter what regardless, pushing for it is better than being stagnant just so some people can remain comfortable with the status quo.
Um, no, I didn't, I said Sony's numbers are largely fudged (wouldn't be the first or last time for them, in any of their product lines), mostly to keep their investors happy especially when they were trying to make reports by the end of the fiscal year (which ended last month, to which they did put a report out).
Really, the "you're a fanboy" defense? You know, if you had couldn't refute what I'm saying, all you had to do was stay quiet.
You mean Sony's sell in numbers? The numbers they negotiate with retailers (read: insist) that they buy in advance well before they even have the production yield to fill so they can buff their numbers and brag about how many units sold when they probably don't even have that many consoles made; as compared to…
Um, not really helping your case with this preemptive comment, there...
Actually while they did bring Stringer in to be the 'foreign badguy', he was, for all intents and purposes, the cut man for Sony. His job was to go in and get rid of the ineffective leadership (such as Ken Katarugi), reunify Sony (which was split up by Nobuyuki Idei), and cease the infighting that was caused by said…
There's a reason I said 'Late 90's'. The Sega Dreamcast, while an excellent machine for its time, was weakened by both the Saturn and 32X (also Neptune, but nobody remembers that thing). When the PS2 was hitting, Sega's ads started targeting Sony, rather than working strongly to promote the DC; they needed to push…
So they are at profit, though still due to the change in Yen and selling assets. Hopefully they'll not completely forgo innovation in order to stay profitable (like Sega), though the components of the PS4 are rather telling. This report is definitely a positive change from the last few years, hopefully they don't…
Where did you get that info from? Checking around they only made a profit on the PS4 for the fiscal year, but I'm not finding anything that says they're out of the red yet. In fact, the reason they even made record profits was due to favorable exchange rates, not so much the profits from the PS4, PS3, and Vita.
This kinda reeks of the same desperation that Sega had in the late 90's. Most of their divisions are still in the red (including Sony Computer Entertainment), their ads are directed competition rather than promoting yourself (like the infamous Sega Redhead ad), and the primary thing holding their stocks from a free…
Heh, back in 96, they were at Tony's Pizza level, pretty darn awful. Pretty much just poor crust, fake cheese, and sparse topping
Um, I doubt the current PC build would look any better than the PS4 build, since the game in general is graphically dumbed down for the PS3 and XBox 360...
Yeah, this is stupid and kinda misleading...
Yeah, that was after the girl pushed her that she grabbed her arm, then the girl slapped her, and then the mother went into 'fuck this' mode...
I'm hoping gun usage comes with heavy penalties, much like when your chaos level rose when you killed in Dishonored. Maybe a bad ending, or your notoriety goes up and makes it difficult for you to accomplish your tasks. More police on the lookout for you, eventually culminating in a 'shoot on site' edict. Quite…
While I also like the Punisher, I think Batman would have gotten lost in the droves of similar characters if he went that route. Besides, Deathstroke currently more than fills that position, even if he often is the villian instead.