
Wondershowzen was a horrible, vile, disgusting show...

Once again, we'll have to reiterate the word 'basic'. The difference mostly is the way they're using the power, as they're both using virtually the same hardware down to the RAM. Microsoft on the other hand decided to go further to the route of a multi media machine, which runs dual OSes at the same time, thus sucking

Yeah, here's the thing. When I was doing game journalism on a dinky site that started up from a handful of people that frequented the videogames chat room on AOL, I knew Slasher Quan from EGM and Gamepro (actually met him at my second E3, and started hanging with him when we got free time each year), and ECM (who used

Yup, and I've actually seen that happen as well; it was, in a word, emotionally brutal to the poor girl to where she just decided to quit (though the guy ended up being fired a week later).

It's not a universal truth in a professional exchange? I'm pretty sure if I started masturbating in a company meeting that would be grounds for termination. If I were to tell my supervisor I wanted to lick her vigorously, that would be grounds for termination. If I am a reporter, and I just told someone who I was

I think that's the biggest thing apologists aren't getting; regardless if it's happening everywhere or not, it's something we should take a hand in expunging from our culture. Also, the easiest way to maintain the status quo is to make the problem seem as unmanageable as possible (in this case, by insisting keeping

Seriously, why did I waste my time responding to all those others when You created virtually the perfect catch-all right here for me to respond to?

Probably because she shouldn't have had to tell him to stop when it was insinuated that he should stop, disregarding the fact that social etiquette dictates you do not make vulgar sexual advances while in the middle of doing your job? I really don't know of any jobs that says sexual harassment is okay, even if they

Um, without even delving into social mores that outright establish this is poor behavior, I'm pretty sure her completely disregarding his rather crass propositions should have established the fact that she wasn't interested. Though to be fair, I would have just logged the conversation after the first comment, closed

I'm pretty sure I need it when I get to the parts and say "FUCK SABOTAGING BELLS" and go in swinging and flinging blood like a damn pirate ;)

I don't quite agree; Edward's apathy does not make him a more 'realistic' character in the least. In fact, it took away a lot of potential personality and made him a one dimensional character bent on nothing but his bounty that made the characters around him more fleshed out for calling him on it all the time.

Yeah, that show flew so much under the radar that they were trumping the U.S. in stealth technology.

They didn't comment on it because they were silently judging you...

probably because he has almost no effect in current Microsoft activities? The guy focuses on his new site and his charities, and has vowed to give over half his wealth to charity as part of the Billionaires pact to which even Warren Buffet is part of.

Gates hate? So 90's

To Jezebel, that point is reached when they get enough sufficient clicks on articles related to this non-issue to recoup the $10,000 bounty, so expect a few dozen more about this (not including stealth subject articles that trick you into thinking they're about something else).

If your aim is bad, you're not throwing enough bullets at it!

Heh, okay; though sadly there are way too many that throw it around as an insult more voraciously than a Belmont throws crosses around...

Welllllll..... I dunno, the 1920's was an era of Laissez-faire...

Local government, not federal...