
Actually, friend of mine just brought it to my attention that she offered the info on the business card, to which would be absolutely fair game to present to others. If he was indeed concerned, he would have taken it with him. Anyone harassing him via the information on the business card would make the case between

I'm thinking "Borderline Personality Disorder" myself...

No, no it doesn't. ACTUALLY giving out personal information deserves firing, and legal action. Threatening or coercing with promises of bodily harm deserves firing. Repeated instances (no more than two witnessed) and reports (3-5, depending on the establishment) of said threat of giving out personal information

It wasn't simply the invalid ID, it was the whole instigated situation. Quite frankly, I've seen a couple of instances of people banned from GSes for less (refusing to share a kiosk with others, cutting in line at a midnight event and pretending it was cool). Remember, it's not just a place specifically for his

No, she didn't have that right, and she deserves a stern talking down for that. You believe she deserves anything else after that? Because after that you're just demanding blood for internet bread and circuses.

Now playing

Technically, the Saturn was the birthplace of Shenmue, but eh...

This is always wondered when people ask this; exactly who are you presuming always buys annual releases of these games? The only ones that do are obsessive sports fans or the people who actually feel justified paying the price for the updated version (usually both being the same person). Quite a few others are more

SPOILER ALERT: so don't drink the milk

Well we know it doesn't happen just outside the US, and it is usually called out. Think of all the college frats and sororities that have hit the news in recent years for doing tasteless theme parties from dressing up like stereotypical Mexicans to homeless people, and those are relatively mild compared to, say,

Actually, those parties are very much decried against as well and considered tasteless. Just because they happen doesn't mean that everyone approves of it, and that's the issue; very few people, anyone with some decency and concept of empathy, will not agree with such parties. You're picking these straw men arguments,

I'm pretty sure that would really depend on the game :p

Well, she was certainly more mature then than she's acting now...

Nm, my text window covered up the "apple" part, lol

Like I said, like Michael Jackson in the 80's :p

He's not saying it will actually be a failure, but if Rockstar's stocks drop or remain stagnant for some reason, they can pass the blame to GTAV not selling 'as expected'. They could still make a profit off the game, but what matters more is what they can tell their shareholders.

Cyclops and Jean Grey

Actually, that kinda is the point. They erased every one of those, and now are preventing it from happening again, most likely because they know full well their writers will eventually cave into lack of creativity. Chances are, even the Green Arrow and Black Canary's marriage would have ended in tragedy just to prove

...still pales in levels of sheer cruelty next to the people they tortured for science experiments and sometimes glee.

Uh.... huh....

I'm going to guess Skullgirls is probably the only fighting game you played...