I'm looking at some of these numbers and thinking "seriously?" I mean, you guys are posting numbers like some badge of decandant honor and making me feel envious of how much money you guys can throw away frivolously.
I'm looking at some of these numbers and thinking "seriously?" I mean, you guys are posting numbers like some badge of decandant honor and making me feel envious of how much money you guys can throw away frivolously.
I have actually met a female libertarian (whom I had to explain to that even if Ron Paul ended up as president, he would be one of the most lame ducks ever to hit office), and a black libertarian(whom actually I think has no idea what being a libertarian is, since he has some rather strong democratic views on…
Fear of lawsuits, pure and simple.While this anecdote isn't about firing someone, it's a similar issue; the dean of the Kinesiology department at my school was interviewing for a open position, and they invited the interviewee to Applebees. She brought along the woman she was gooming to be the next dean of the…
She said she was told she was abrasive, and that maybe they were right; that doesn't state the degree to which she was, and unless she was doing something like being directly threatening to another employee, I doubt she would be doing anything that didn't require diciplinary warning first.
Yeah, it's actually sadly a very common tactic. When I worked at America Online tech support (don't laugh, I actually knew how to fix shit before they became the long distance plan shilling, non-problem fixing farce they were by 2000), they would 'import' people from other departments and bump down the senority of…
Oh, I'm pretty sure that's what happened here, especially if it is indeed set up in a peer style heirarchy. The problem is it can often by less likely official steps to termination are taken prior to termination. Enough people with clout (those with senority) complain enough, especially through emails, then she…
Claiming she was warned due to the state they reside in is something of conjecture, though. Also, even if she was, by whom was she warned; by a superior? Was she warned by HR? They pretty much stated the heiarchy that exists at Valve puts them in a peer style environment, and if she was warned by a peer, and there is…
I'm not seeing anything that insinuates that, but she does state firmly that there was no warning towards her termination. Unless she's in a right to work state (which Valve is not in), she could have a strong case for wrongful termination if they can't provide records stating that corrective action had been taken to…
But most employment venues tend to warn you if your attitude isn't in sync with their brand... unless they're looking to quickly cut people. In fact, doing so is usually a great way to give your HR department a legal headache.
I don't think anyone's argued against people still using consoles exclusively for gaming, just that it's not a viable market model anymore. You need a larger market than just gamers who want to simply play videogames, especially considering how much competition there is now (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, Ouya, Steam,…
The other day, I watched this woman talking on her cellphone, before she paused, and started searching her pockets, before stating over the phone, "hold on a sec, I misplaced my cellphone." She then paused after a few seconds, before slapping her forehead and chuckling. True Story!
Anecdotal! My sister uses her Wii more often to watch my netflix account where she lives than games on it. My PS3 is at my Father's house so he could watch Blu-rays I bought him for his Birthday, Christmas, and recent Father's dat, as well as what he may get from redbox, and I spend half my time on my 360 watching…
yup, it's funny how much of a polarization most of us pretend to see with PCs and consoles, when they both have been steadily moving into the same direction for a couple of decades now, ever since Amiga started making their PCs look more like consoles. Not that it is a bad thing... at all... since it would mean more…
They're not as accessable as you think...
You actually believe that all 48 million members of LIVE are gamers, or even simply play games for that matter? I would give less than a quarter of that number to enthuesiest gamers, and that's being generous. No console is sustainable by enthuesiest gamers alone, so they HAVE to branch out to a more casual audience,…
fresh lemon juice as well
Probably because that was the only one I had experience with, I'm not going to bother researching patch sizes to prove an internet point. The original fact was that patching was getting out of hand, but you apparently aren't concerned about it since you've become accustomed to it. When you're indefinitely patching up…
A) glad you're aware of your privileged life. Even currently, I have several friends out in the boonies that are rocking 56K, shitty DSL (connection routinely drops to even less than 56K, great service Pioneer and Southwestern Bell), or WISP (which also commonly drops to about 56K). Quite a few of them are tech saavy…
Nope, I meant gig. It's the reason why Tribes 2 flopped. They started combining essential patches with map packs, and it started getting out of hand.
I just did, Tribes 2 was a fucking mess that they kept patching after gold release. Then, they thought they were being clever and combining patches with map packs, some ending up at around 10 gigs. This was back in 2005-2006 when even then 56K connections were much more common than home high speed access, and people…