
"Right" is always a relative term. I'm actually for putting control in the hands of the original producers of the content (authors, developers, artists), rather than leaving the current level of control in the publisher's hands. I sincerely think that end of copywrite and trademark law needs to be revised before the

But it can, and most likely will be argued that it is the consumer's fault; if not the consumer's fault, then it will be passed to the retailers for advertising as "their copy". Even then, there is nothing technically wrong with the fact that they do get their very own copy of the disk, they still just don't own the

You should probably re-read that to get the satire in his comment, focus on the "over something fictional written in a book" part...

Well, I can't say that the law was written in favor of consumers, seeing as how copywrite on media content goes all the way back to Edison and the rights to movies, that which favors the producer of the content, not the consumer of it. as I said before, you cannot display or even advertise such content publically

The problem with is, is while the medium (CD, DVD, BR disk, cartridge) is considered a physical product, the digital contents of them, are not. The precedent to this has already been argued for by the RIAA, that which if you buy music content on one medium, you are required to buy it on another (say, MP3 format,

here's a good litmus test on these things. First, are you a heterosexual male? Okay, if you are, can you picture said scantly clad male snug in your arms and not feel a certain level of discomfort from it as compared to a female scantly clad character? Now, to be fair, it isn't even so much about the sexualization of

Cross posted to IO9 and Kotaku, and I think Deadspin (can't be bothered to check right now). While IO9 is sensible, and Deadspin can be civil at times, the shitfest will pour from Kotaku, I'm afraid

Yeah, good, mature discussions have become a little too rare on Kotaku these days. It's not that I don't see the perspective others are getting at, but knowing Sony from past experience, I doubt it was a "wait until E3" decision, when they could ride it up to E3 which would allow them to capitalize off of it further.

Well, to keep in mind, every console has DRM, even the Wii U, it's just a matter of how Draconian it is. While EA may have been completely on board prior with the Wii U, Microsoft and/or Sony both come offering a more secure avenue with their games as long as some exclutivity is thrown their way, suddenly EA starts

A press release would have the same effect, even before E3 (especially when everyone is starved for info). Plus, that frees their conference and display up to actually talk about the other capacities of the PS4. Attempting to make a focus on not having DRM would actually be counter-productive, especially at a show

I'm pretty sure Microsoft would know by now if Sony has DRM, considering that publishers would be spilling the beans to them. At this point we can even pretty much guarentee Sony does, it's just a matter of how much they strip it down while managing to keep publishers appeased.

I doubt it, seeing as how the longer Sony waits, the smaller that window of opportunity gets. At the moment, Microsoft is backpedalling faster than a circus clown on a unicycle balancing on a rapidly fraying tightrope; by E3 Microsoft may suddenly not have any significant DRM (possibly even to the irritation of

Yeah, though I'm kinda getting the feeling that it's like while everyone is pointing and laughing at Microsoft who just tripped over his own shoelaces, no one was paying attention to Sony as he does push ups to play off that he tripped too...

Whoops! Silly me, it was update 3.56, not 3.54...

Yeah, first of all, go do a google search on PS3 firmware update v3.54. And before you chime in and say that Sony still supports grassroots development and HD installation, keep in mind opening your PS3 without being an authorized Sony maintenance facility since that update completely invalidates the warrenty on your

Um, yeah, you keep bringing this up, and not considering that now the PS3 does not allow HD replacements and attempted to kill any attempt at an open development for the PS3, while the XBox now allowsup to 16GB USB flash drives, and it was already stated that the XBox One allows external hard drives to be connected.

How about all the achievements you get for just turning on a game? You know you get achievements for rapidly mashing down the firebutton in many shooters as well. We don't even have to go into the Dynasty Warriors franchise. If you really want to go for this, I could probably google search achievements earned by long

Ah, misread it, regardless same thing, since Marathon runners tend to pour their most into the last couple of miles, to which they exceed their lactic threshold (when they start doing more anaerobic exertion than aerobic, and start building lactic acid), and fall into the same issues as sprinters. They pace themselves

Reason why sprinters are so exhausted is because they require more immediate energy which your respiratory system cannot compensate for by providing enough oxygen for the glycolysis process (sugar breakdown for energy). When there is not enough oxygen provided, the sugar breaks down into pyruvate (lactic acid) through

Microsoft and Gamestop won't have a problem, since they will both be supplying codes. On the other hand, selling your game to a friend without the code may cause them to have some words with you...