
I can't help but notice you keep pointing to films by Fox and Paramount, not Disney. Disney actually tends to just throw money at studios that care about the franchises they work on, and sit back to reap the rewards. Star Wars could be in much worse hands

No, you're using reaction time as trained reflex, not for the average reaction for a person. If your assailant is actually trained to keep his gun to follow you (which takes extensive hand-eye coordination training) at that close range, then yes it's a problem. Basing your numbers off the reaction time of athletes,

Now playing

Problem relying on those times is expectancy. If the gunman is poised for you to move, he's probably going to shoot you, anyways, so your life is forfiet. First, they have to note you move, which takes a moment for the eye to register with the brain, then it takes a moment to adjust, which then takes that 1/5 to 1/7th

Keep in mind going deaf doesn't mean stunned, especially if you're already moving with a plan of action, and definitely if you've been trained around firearms. It's like in martial arts you take a good clean hit, that doesn't mean that you aren't still capable of returning in kind.

Yeah, people get this idea that a gun makes you invincible, while not considering that guns only have one line of attack (straight), and still take time to aim; once you're out of line of sight, it takes time to realign with a target. Also shooting someone on reaction isn't immediate; it actually takes a second to do

Just like to point out that Pekiti Tirsia Kali, Krav Maga, and Systema all are adapted to handling situations like these. Quite frankly, someone pulling a gun on you in less than six feet without pulling the trigger immediately raises your chances pretty high...

Look up "Pop theory in Music"...

I've been masturbating to it for hours. Then again, it's more because of Niles Rodgers collaborating with Daft Punk, really...

Did you know chapstick actually dries your lips out, causing necessity for constant application? How long has the music industry been fighting to make it that a song must be paid for on every piece of media (from CD to programmable radio to MP3) you have it on? Car dealerships engineering vehicles so they require

Hell, in ME3, Ashley rode your ass the WHOLE DAMN GAME about working with Cerberus. During my "middle of the road" playthrough, I really wished there was an option to have it out with Ashley about the whole cerberus thing, instead of just telling her to get over it.

The brain's frontal area doesn't become fully developed until the period of physiological death start occuring in the body (around the age of 21-22, thus why the drinking age is set at that age). The Frontal lobe is responsible for the consequence assessment of one's actions (not whether they are right or wrong, but

Actually, anal penetration was considered a perversion by the Greeks. While eros love between older and younger males was considered the sociable norm (philia was considered the norm for heterosexual relationships), the younger actually were supposed to be reluctant to provide sexual favors and make the elder work for

To be fair, they only became borderline alcoholics if you made them. Keep in mind in the first game, your options for interacting with your environment were highly limited, in the next two games they just gave you more to do, which in turn allowed more personal character development by the player (you want to make

Well, the Teen Titans cartoon pretty much changed every DC character in it to an extent. In fact, Raven got the heaviest change, from personality to appearance. I think the only real change 'Slade' got was his ambition to take over a city, rather than protecting his reputation as the world's greatest assassin.

The problem with the Consumerist's poll is that the demographic is so insanely skewed, and it's more easily manipulated than an Io9 poll with River Tam on the ballot. People are going to defend EA being the worst company because of 'individuals' annoyance with their business practices, but that is no longer an

Serratus Anterior, you're welcome ;p

I'm well aware of that, I'm being facetious :p

Does that mean the only ones who are racially discriminating on what they want in their porn are people who don't have the capacity to figure out how to get porn off the internet for free?

But she's not moving in a circular motion. If anything, she's dropping low, not turning. It really looks like she may have been attempting to drop into a crouch, but her left leg is way off stance, throwing her balance away from her center, which would mean she would be falling to her front and right.

I just paused my game of Assassin's Creed 3 to ask if I'm really only supposed to play this around kids...