
So, Joker endangers Supe's child and/ or kills Louis, Superman goes all authoritarian like he did during the JLA Unlimited Justice Lords arc, Batman is already against it, Wonderwoman is practically masturbating at going full hard liner on villians, Flash buddies up with Superman regardless of right or wrong, Batman

Superman would also have to actually not be distracted enough to pinpoint Jimmy Olsen in particular getting shot in the face; finding Batman wailing on thugs on big blue's turf, while Superman himself is coming to terms with his own upcoming child, I would wager he was pretty distracted :p

Oil wrestling with Rainbow Mika?

Sure every game should have a very easy mode... then they should all also come with a burly and stout wet nurse with a hairy nipple for you to suckle on until you can graduate to big boy/girl pants and quit wett'n the bed twice a night...

AC3 was like an abusive relationship, no matter how much it pushed me down the stairs or burned my arm with a lit cigarette or made me climb a ladder that I was trying to sneak by during a stealth mission without warning, I still kept coming back for more. Seriously though, if they had spent at least a month longer on

Actually Mr. Busey's from Tulsa, OK, so what you should be really thinking everytime you see him is;

I must learn it's pulo de gato...

Yeah, it has from 6,000-8,000 nerve clusters, almost 3 times as much as the penis. Also, the vaginal opening is the only area of the vaginal canal that has really any nerve bundles (theory being child birth would be completely unbearable if the whole canal was lined). Anyhow, I agree with you on the final part, I was

Actually, they do have relatively good means of quantifying pain beyond a subjects reported tolerance, and have been applying it through various tests by monitering the brain itself through MRI scans, and rating the level of neurological response:

Actually, there is a study on pain tolerance between men and women... and it states that women do NOT tolerate pain better than men (not going to hunt for it through the school database, but you can pretty easily find it). What seems to be the case is that women are more susceptible to endorphin which dulls the pain

Got some cachaca and ginger beer ready!

Japanese tend not to be frank with such news, it's considered rude and like you're reveling in the bad news. We here in the US at least pretend to prefer bad news straight up, and gauge the tone of voice that it's delivered if it's malicious or not.

Just for you, guy

Let's also add Blazblue...

Gill's SF3 Second Strike Stage...

Go mewl at Kotaku core, ye sniveling waif!


Well, you see, it's already been settled, when California tried this last year and the Supreme Court shot it down like a clay pigeon; even Scalia was against it ( Thomas was for it, stating basically that children's rights

Na, you don't quite understand the scope of what he means. $10 Million isn't even a fraction of a penny of our taxes (in comparison, NASA's $18.5 billion is half a penny on the dollar). If you want to complain about money, consider the $1 trillion to research and development to Lockheed/Martin on a jet that went into

The issue I see with that is considering that if someone's shaving, they're typically doing it for vanity reasons, which most likely have more and riskier sexual intercourse; is it that shaving is directly causative to the higher ratio of STI outbreaks, or that people who shave are more likely to be in sexual