
Heh, I think the only bosses on that game that gave me any remote difficulty were Gulliwing and Clawz (Gulliwing I don't think I ever got 2.0 bonus on in time, and I could perfect link every stage except the desert one...)

Talking about the PSN/LIVE release of NiGHTs into Dreams, or are you also including the Saturn/ PS2 versions?

I think I'll just play Resident Evil 6 in survivors mode with Jake Muller using only hand to hand....

I can hear Gizmodo's agonized sobs; they are to my ears like a delicately flavored wine is to my palate...

I think itching powder would make a great non lethal weapon :p

Um... I'm feeling slightly nervous for your boyfriend...

Yeah, so all we have to worry about is the gamma ray burst from a supernova hitting us tomorrow!

"Our founding fathers knew good and well that we would eventually have ballistics and fully automatic machine guns, and that there would be sad loonys who would do this stuff."

Actually, there is hiding behind the First, or any amendment. They are willing to psychologically terrorize people while insisting on their rights. Unfortunately, courts have problems stopping them without setting precedents. Instead, courts have been rather lenient on prosecuting those who oppose them without

Yeah, a country is only as good as its people, and in recent times it's been difficult to be proud of many of the people in it. Best thing you can do is work to improve your part of it, and hopefully, as idealistic as it may sound, your effort spreads.

Heh, the only one I can ever see having true unconditional love for their country is Captain America (mostly Mark Waid's Captain America), to whom I actually get my ideal of Patriotism from ;)

Well, I agree with you on the nationalism part; it tends to be a dangerous sentiment that is spawned from elitism. Patriotism, REAL Patriotism, is not just a simple pride in your country, but a desire to invest in it's well being, to be a part of the community of your nation, reflect the best and most sincere

If this was SF3 3i, Chun Li's mid kick low would own anything from Tifa, including punches. Chain that into Chun Li's Senretsu Kayaku, and Tifa wouldn't even hit the ground concious :p

Because shovelware can be easily done through middleware which requires much less minor development and power to run than a multi-million dollar development endeavor. When the PS2 first came out, developers complained quite a bit about the PS2, Sony's answer for the issues they were having on it's development was to

aaaaannnnndddd there's the obligatory "I hate the ending so everyone else did, too" post...

It really is...

Oh yeah? Let us test this...

Oh God I remember this. It was so hilarious I went and started stabbing people in the street...


Dorky, ostentatious clothing just makes them seem even younger.