
@egoimago: A pristine Pigskin 621 A.D. cabinet. It is a rare jewel.

About $800.

He stole millions from insurance companies. He's halfway to being a frickin Robin Hood.

Ahha! HP's jump in quarterly profits is now explained.

Very nice use of CMU.

That one pokemon has a dick and balls on his chest. What gives?

Can we just get Godwin's Law out of the way right now?

Anyone can finish Myst in two minutes if you cut out the load times.

@Brad Dudenhoffer: I have to back up Icelight on this. He wasn't even the first to map the genome- UCSC was.

@buckleyneko: Somebody is working on a single vaccine that works against ALL flu strains.

It is Elmendorf- not Elmendor.

@Gerardo Zamudio: Nope. This was a routing protocol hack very similar to the Chinese hack. And much longer ago- like early mid 90's I think.

I heard a story about a guy who pulled a similar stunt and was routing nearly all of the internet's traffic through his PC. This was a long time ago obviously.

@thevpuli: It depends on the problem. Some problems are easily farmed out, others not so much. To qualify as a "supercomputer" you have to tackle problems that are not easily farmed out. Low latency between the nodes is critical because each processing task requires results from other processing tasks while it is

@CaptMoose: Most of those Intel and Nvidia components are still manufactured in the US or Europe I think.

The scary thing? They're going to use it for password cracking.

That's the most heartwarming story I've heard in a while. Thanks.