@Teburninator: Actually 4 if you count Coral Sea.
@Teburninator: Actually 4 if you count Coral Sea.
I guess it isn't a "video game" but...
@DocSeuss: The PC version controls are abysmal, but the console controls are just fine. I felt as you did, but I ended up getting the 360 version and I've been really digging it.
My kid's first game was Katamari Damacy when he was 1 1/2.
@icarus212001: with your goddamn teeth.
@Chicken Pawks: I wouldn't call BF1943 a full game. I wouldn't pay $50 for only four maps, decent servers for the first four weeks after which it became mostly unplayable.
I want to correct your spelling, but I don't give a sharp whit.
@arionfrost: Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a shot.
Anyone else play the Just Cause 2 demo? I was looking forward to this game, but after playing the PC demo, I'm not so sure.
That wookie looks so sad.
If they do a reboot, I will be throwing a big ass LAN party on release day. You all can come. Ayinger on tap.
@Mister Jack: Now available in Diet Jack!: And that is what made the map so great. If you don't know what to do, just look at the map very closely. It was a little puzzle in itself.
Useless. Every decent wine opener has something to facilitate this.
@InsertBullets: Those contracts may no longer be valid.
@Paul_Is_Drunk: Pachacuti would be the most obvious choice for Inca leader.
JC 2 Demo? I'm all over that. And Toy Soldier, although I find the airplane controls extremely sucky. (Why didn't you warn me Bashcraft?)
Return Fire remains, to this day, the finest example of blowing shit up to classical music.
@miquonranger03: Actually, the 360 is more like an old mac internally.
Nice Slim Pickens shot.
@LoungeDinosaurian, it's a LOVE RƎVO˩UTION!: Perhaps you can explain who forced us into a war under false pretenses and how much that has contributed to our deficit.