
I'd like to see Watchmen as a sandbox game.

Cute AND bloody!

Nice to see the D in there! Now can we get some FotC?

I'm all about the Rock Band schwag. My GF bangs on those drums almost as loud as my two year old.


I'd like to point out that the Civ board game game out way before the original PC game.

115. In a '93 miata. w/ top down.

I just got a 360. I'll be playing Rock Band with my fiancee and maybe some GTA IV...

@mozzylizzy: You can also get it easily in Europe apparently, but it is probably cheaper in Mexico.


I have so many nemesii, I could go on for hours, but here are two I haven't seen mentioned.

That KCV would look decent if they got rid of those bling rims and changed the color of the grill.

Here's my favorite brat reference...

What brat reference would be complete with out this link?

My first was a Mark 2 coupe. I was a total hoon in that car.

Yeah, those kids in the vertible... cocaine. definitely.

Early 80's 626 with a "I brake for hallucinations" bumpersticker.

At least you don't live in Humboldt.

What the hell is it with squatty cockpits ("low slung cabin") these days? Everybody is doing them and they are all so fugly I want to scream.