Wet Nails

Wait, like for real? TO THE GOOGLE I GO

I'm going to wear these now.

Hey there, all you beautiful Jezzies. I need some help. So I met this new girl, I'll call her A, and I really really like her. Like, I have a full out, Degrassi-worthy, totally-obsessed crush on her. That's kind of strange for me, because 1) I don't tend to get crushes on people, like it just doesn't happen and 2) I

Thanks for the link! It's given me a lot to think about.

Thanks for making me way better about being irresponsible. I was going to go anyway, but I kind of needed some validation. I have 36 out of 50 pages done, and I average about 5 pages every 2 hours, so I should be good. Thanks again and I hope you have a great weekend!

Hey there Jezzies, I hope everyone is having a fabulous night doing whatever it is that other Jezzies do. I personally stay in watching Cary Grant movies, but that's just me. So on to my question. Or, two actually.

I'm kind of conflicted, because while I completely agree with you that using cramps as an excuse to get out of work is majorly gross, when I don't want to do something, the first thing that comes to mind is always "Why don't I say I'm on my period?" I mean, I never do it, but I always consider it.