Wet Grass In Park

Team audience. Show up and act like a professional.

Three whole months without masturbating?!?!? Jeez, I'll be lucky if I make it through writing this com

It's a word used in drag culture to describe being perceived as a woman. Someone who is 'fish' is being perceived as a woman. I haven't ever heard the term in person, so I don't really know for certain if that is the 'correct' usage, but I'm pretty sure that I've got it right. I don't like it because it's a term



Time Magazine, like every other player in the flailing and failing print industry, puts the person most likely to sell magazines on the cover of the "most influential" issue. If anyone honestly believes that Beyonce is more influential in the global sphere than, I don't know, actual world leaders, I would recommend

And I can already smell the barrage of think pieces from pop culture critics trying to dissect a marriage they were never a part of.

Lol, you're probably white.

I think that's a really condescending view to have of minorities.

I don't think he does have a point, actually. At all. I think it's really problematic and racist to basically think 'oh, you can't expect people of color to understand the fine points of respect and equality like us white folk.'

I prefer for my family to all have the same last name. I don't mind changing my last name to my husband last name.

Perhaps you'd feel more of an urgency to the state of Israel had you been a refugee during/after the Holocaust and found no country to take you in.

That was pretty much a headshot reply. Well said.

actually she could be kidnapped by a predator . That would be worse than neighbours clucking, not like you respect their opinion anyways. Kids are often taken when their parents are further rather than nearer. A predator would target kids without parents there first. Tragically after the Haiti earthquake many orphans

Global Beet is one of the biggest fucking idiots on Gawker.

That was concerning but it was not my major takeaway from the article. Maybe I was too blinded by being pissed to even notice. And the fact that Jezebel will never address this is even more concerning.

you got some brassballs jezebel posting an article decrying an older more experienced woman of color being replaced by a younger white blonde considering you just passed over the very talented dodai Stewart (black, experienced, pushing 40) for 25 year blonde white Emma charmichael.

and the winner for second worst parent of the year goes to you! After guy who left his kid in the car to kill him guy, naturally.

Well there's resentment, which is normal and then there's straight up sociopathic behavior such as teaching kids violence.

You're misinformed. Only one side gives advance warning to those sheltering militants so innocent civilians can flee for safety, offers medical treatment to those diametrically opposed to its existence, and regularly contributes humanitarian aid to countries across the world that are devastated by natural disasters.