
No, would you go to someone for advice after they shamed you? All he's doing is getting some attention for himself(hurr durr look how clever a father I am) and putting his daughter even more out there than she was doing by herself. I look forward to their Maury special.

Yeah, I wasn't mocking him. I thought it was a funny statement/photo.

Yeah, I work at JSC and we talk about feature/mission creep whenever we are looking at starting a new project. It's better to kill it before you've wasted the effort if you know everyone is going to try to add on to it.

There's too many different things going on. I feel confident that SpaceX can deliver. Not so much on Boeing.

I have to nominate the Constellation Program.

Yeah, I guess I shouldn't have made a tongue in cheek joke and said something rude.

The only thing that US fans of the Dynamo fight with is obesity.

That episode was super awkward.

What, does that look right to you? I was going to use an Orlove'd photo but I thought upside down race car was better.

Tanner just before going to race.

Not Right.

[claps slowly]

Do Russian strippers come duty free?

I want to do this with a double decker bus. It would be so filthy you would get herpes just getting in it.

Maybe it's the bang bus?

Called it.

I see that Bush's school policies worked wonders for you.

You can't forget Shiroiwa Junior High School students also.