Ya a tangle of garden snakes I get it but copperheads are like north americas king cobra I see one i kill it they’re very aggressive snakes and they will kill you I fear a copperhead over a rattlesnake.
Ya a tangle of garden snakes I get it but copperheads are like north americas king cobra I see one i kill it they’re very aggressive snakes and they will kill you I fear a copperhead over a rattlesnake.
Alex Jones just launched a shot of goo after reading this report
Know that if you jump right next to them side by side you can gain leverage knife fights happen with attackers front side you can gain an edge on their side
Nope The Tea Party was formed cause we had a President who wore a tan suit with black skin.
BMW will go to 18000 miles but payments go up because of reduced residual value Believe MBZ does as well
God Dammit Mom stop this shit
This guy was part of the Art Bell wack pack of frauds he’d come on the show a few times a year for a decade and proclaim we’re just a year or so away but need some help getting it off the ground, just another scam maybe Musk will buy it as part of “the future”
Not in the back even in NC don’t think you can shoot this punk in the back so speed up on front then shoot the punk
I remember when Jerry Yang turned down $34 Billion for Yahoo from Microsoft
Based on Lamar Billboard pricing these should be weekly rates
345 miles per house so we have a new gauge of speed?
Hows this guy earn enough money to pay for this truck dude can’t put three words together
Two ladies in a vette are better than two dudes in a miata.
I was a closer back in the day at a Toyota store and now of my guys had a warrant for similar charges from a far away state, one Saturday two rough looking dudes one had dried blood on his neck pulled up in a beat up suburban get out with a huge duffle bag come into the showroom behind my fugitive sales guy stun him…
It would help if you knew what as dynasty is. The Bush family and the Kennedy’s are multi generational with inherited wealth and power. The Clintons rose from on Bills side a poverty stricken childhood in Hot Springs Arkansas and and Hillary’s family a middle class raised, so for the Clintons to be a political dynasty…
Stuff his body into a 55 gallon drum filled with molten shit and piss and drop it into Hanford nuclear dump.
In 98 I think it was a dude in a S10 truck got into it with LAPD on the 10 and eventually put a sawed off shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger live and in color it was a big red mist and then KTLA went into a Norms commercial.
You mean you couldn’t make it in California is what you meant to say and are bitter and are always running Ca down, now you with fellow people that couldn’t make it in Ca either, Houston the shining swamp of mosquito pools.