
That whole DWtS rigmarole is just code for “they asked for more money.”

Self-awareness may not be this site’s strongest suit...

“Dancing with the Stars”?! What’s that?! I’m way to cool to know what that is. It’s only been on the air for 15 years and I had no idea. Aren’t I hip?- Joan Summers

As someone that watched the first 9 or so seasons of Dancing with the Stars, I say good. Tom Bergeron deserves so much better. He can do goofy fun, quick wit, and has shown grace under fire on multiple occasions.

Anyone remember the attack on Ryan Lochte? When Marie Osmond fainted? When Max and Kirstie Alley fell over

The dichotomy between “haha who even is this person” jokes and serious, frequent discussion about reality TV stars is certainly... Something.

There is no facet that is pure and were I to strip everything that is a product of my oppressor from my life I’d have to move to a commune in the mountains that encircle my family’s hometown in Puerto Rico.

Everything being fucked for a long time isn’t a good excuse to double down and refuse to change. It’s basically the same rationale people have for keeping statues of old racists.

My theory has always been that his mom was the one who could somehow keep him on his meds and after she passed away he stopped taking them and here we are.

And once again, my inability to differentiate Jerry Lewis and Jerry Lee Lewis bites me in the ass.  “He got cancelled because he married his 14-year-old cousin!”. No, Steve. Wrong Jerry.

“Cancel Culture = I don’t like this person/thing anymore.”

Shockingly (or perhaps not), Penn Badgley had a really good comment re: cancel culture recently in the LA Times. I think he does an excellent job connecting what culturally we seem to forget every time some new person/celeb gets cancelled: that the problem isn’t just at an individual level, so unless the problem gets

Maybe I’m doing this journalism thing wrong, but don’t journalists usually take photos of their subjects, not themselves?”

The IRS–wait, let me sure I’ve got this—purposefully sent stimulus checks to more than 1 million dead people?

So coincidentally last night I watched Batman: Subzero, which was the other movie they made with Batman, the Animated Series. (The first was Mask of the Phantasm, which actually got a theatrical release.) Anyway, Subzero has Batman vs. Mr. Freeze, it was released a year after Batman and Robin, and is...really great.

The movie isn’t gay. It’s campy. Which certainly means there is a queer aesthetic at work but it’s one that is strongly linked more to the director’s age and understanding of camp than anything gay in a way that would resonate as a modern subtextual reading, I think. It’s got the bits and pieces. But it’s not a

This string of generally positive SCOTUS outcomes from this conservative court has me waiting for something collectively more terrible to come out.

They also know this: No one is easier to con than the person that thinks they’re smarter than everyone else.

Apparently you WANT Toad Dick to get a second term. That’s the only explanation I can think of for all these Biden hit pieces. This Bernie sore loserism is just sad now. What is the plan at this point? If you double down on the Biden bashing, the DNC will magically change their minds and hand Bernie the nom at the

whatever they can do to undermine Biden. It is Jezebel’s jam, they might as well as change their logo to “Trump 2020".

I swear this dead horse will come back to life if I just beat it a couple more times.