
He’s clearly having micro-strokes or seizures of some kind. But there’s no chance of him stepping down. Guess we’re all just going to see how this plays out.

The inland cities of Southern California really are something. Flat, hot, polluted, meth-y, crime-y.

FWIW given the price of designer streetwear these days it’s very possible that Bieber’s outfit cost more than Baldwin-Bieber’s

Unfortunately it’s been pretty well established that Armstrong is a horrible person, who given any opportunity will say horrible things.

That was a Karl Rove / Ari Fleischer trick too. Accompanied by furious anger if you dared call them on it.

She’s the complete opposite of the Ahsoka of the animated series. The whole point was that she was this passionate character, who ultimately didn’t belong in the Jedi because of that passion. I’d say what Dawson is doing is a choice, but I don’t actually think it’s that. I think she just doesn’t get the character.

Yeah it’s been busted all day. Kinja has by far the most busted comments section I’ve ever seen. So incredibly buggy. It’s like it’s 2003 here.

Eminem also wrote an anti-George Bush song that was released just before the 2004 election. He’s also blasted Trump several times.

What he doesn’t seem to get is that the people egging him on online are a very loud minority (those that aren’t bots, that is). In the real world, a whole lot of people think he’s a twit.

Everything after the first book is classic 70s sci-fi, i.e. really weird and pervy.

The coprod bit is a big part of this. I’m surprised this show got as far as it did given that. A lot of studios began moving away from coproductions permanently in the mid-2010s for the simple fact that you make more money and have more control over shows you own entirely than otherwise.

Ayer always comes off as a bit of a jerk. But either way it’s not just him, the entire original creative team was moved off this project a long time ago.

The bail amounts are so low that they seem like a dare for these people to run if it looks like they’re going to be convicted. Especially since Trump got a bail bondsmen to put up his bail, which means he’s only out his fee (reported to be $30k) if he skips, not the whole 200.

I’m going to kick it off and say there’s no way he weighs 215. No frigging way. Clearly they allow you to self report your weight.

If you try to sprint after the age of 40 and it isn’t something you do on a regular basis make sure there’s an ambulance nearby.

GWB Jr. had smothered “compassionate conservatism” in the cradle by month two of his presidency. There’s a reason no one’s used that phrasing since 2000 - everyone knows it’s total BS.

The vibes at this place must be something.

We all get old.

Heat is an odd one. Thematically, it feels like the LA of the time in the same way that Falling Down and even White Men Can’t Jump did a few years before - washed out, burned out, everybody hustling everybody, broken.

Back when Splinter was alive, there were discussions about which sock puppets belonged to which writers. Some were pathetically obvious (the neckbeard writer, whose name I can’t remember, was terrible at hiding his), others more opaque. But troll accounts would mysteriously disappear when writers were fired or moved