
Agree with this. The endpoints throughout the last season aren’t wrong - they just aren’t earned. Mad Queen Dany is a perfectly reasonable ending for the story, in fact possibly a great ending. It just wasn’t earned and wasn’t set up. Arya is a perfectly reasonable character to kill the Night King. It just came out of

That press release seems totally hinged, not unhinged at all.

Ironically, Weiss & Benioff turned in a rushed, crappy ending because they wanted to get on to new stuff (Star Wars et al), and didn’t care if they destroyed the show that made them (Benioff was already someone pre-GOT, though not nearly at the level the show brought him to, while Weiss was a nobody). But oops, the


Yeah that’s pretty weak sauce. If that’s the best her lawyer has this could be a bumpy ride.

When you’re a crook, you assume everyone else is a crook too. That’s how you make yourself feel better about the fact that you are a crook.

Is this writer a far-right shitposter? If so, how did they get hired by Jezebel?

Agree, this is a happy ending. A regular dude gets life changing money, and the card goes to someone who will truly love it and isn’t just in it for the flip.

The indictment cites substantial new evidence from Pence, who seems to have found Trump either wildly dangerous or wildly unpredictable (perhaps wildly entertaining?) enough to have taken extensive notes

It can be both. It starts as an act - it’s the Stephen A. Smith approach of being loud and wrong so as to drive negative engagement - but if you play the role long enough eventually you start to believe it.

How can you write this whole article without mentioning that the sign freaking flashes.

It’s hard to tell with Haley if she truly lacks self awareness, or if she’s purely campaigning for VP. I think it’s both, but that she really does think that if she can make it to VP that she’ll be president someday.

Burn Notice was a lot of fun the first few seasons. In the last few they sucked all the comedy out of it entirely and it became a real slog.

Seriously, “why are so many people watching Suits right now?” is about the least mysterious question in the world. The show was in the Spotlight position for me for ~10 days. That’s tens of millions of eyeballs being encouraged to watch it on a daily basis.

Bakersfield is exceedingly odd. It’s a city of 400,000 deep in the California desert with no skyline, i.e. a small town that just kept sprawling. It has brutally hot weather, the worst air quality in the US, one of the very worst crime rates in the US, and a massive meth epidemic. It’s also one of the top

Fox is 100% correct here - professional relationships can get very sticky when there is a financial element introduced to them beyond the standard scope of the transaction. Very very sticky. Particularly when there are significant wealth disparities between the client and the professional. Accepting large sums outside

Everything must go up, all the time, or you are a failure who should lose their job and have their stock punished. If you have 5 billion customers this year, you must have 10 billion next year. Even if there are only 8 billion people on earth.

The problem that Dominos, and Pizza Hut, and Little Caesars, and Papa Johns all have is that their pizzas are always significantly worse than local options, and their prices have gone way up so they’re no longer cheaper to offset the lack of quality.

GA has over 35K confirmed COVID deaths according to georgia.gov.

It’s fine, he was just getting a firmware update from Satan.