Only in the movie. In the book, Lex is a complete liability and it’s her brother who is both the computer expert and the Dino nut. Michael Crichton was always kind of a dick.
Only in the movie. In the book, Lex is a complete liability and it’s her brother who is both the computer expert and the Dino nut. Michael Crichton was always kind of a dick.
Or point to legit, reputable sites? Deadspin pointed me toward a site yesterday that probably gave my computer cancer. Maybe me too.
There are a bunch of these (not Zumes, but other autonomous delivery systems) rolling around a few big cities. You see them here and there moving extremely slowly and getting stuck on sidewalk inconsistencies. I saw an Amazon drone get stuck in a planting section one time, watched it for a few minutes to see what it…
Translation: “I was offered shit ton of money, plus massive bonuses if I can convince the advertisers to come back and put their ads in front of the Nazi content.”
My guess is that every person who follows any news or political account, or who has engaged with a political post ever, was served the vid. Probably multiple times.
What a bizarre article. I’m trying to figure out if there’s something I missed, but it really does just seem to be a screed about finally have to pay for your Netflix.
Greg isn’t going to end up as the next Tom. I think that’s the opposite of what we were supposed to learn about his character.
I.e. the same trick Facebook tried to pull when it decided it was a YouTube competitor a few years back.
Another huge reason is that the scale of solar panels needed would catastrophically affect climate change by massively rebalancing how much heat and light covered portions of the earth emit.
It seems like it’s often forgotten because it was so long ago (holy hell tomorrow is the 25th anniversary of the show premiering on HBO), but in the first ep Samantha is portrayed as their social circle’s annoying slut who is treated like a joke and isn’t really part of Carrie/Charlotte/Miranda friend group. It seems…
The DGA, as always, is willing to screw everyone for a pat on the head.
It’s helpful to remember that Jezebel, like Splinter before it, doesn’t want Democrats to win elections.
The vast majority of that ~$200 billion is in stock he can’t sell. Whereas trading Dogecoin is cold hard cash he can put in his bank account right now.
0.0% of people are surprised. All of these “enlightened” types are monsters once the camera turns off.
Indeed. These are all the people who don’t want an actual reasoned debate, but to turn it into a branding event/clown show.
There’s a quote* that’s been attributed to several celebrities that goes something like this: “After a certain age, a woman chooses her ass or her face.”
Exactly. Don is only invincible as long as he’s the handsome boy genius with the best ideas. Well what happens when he starts getting bags under his eyes? Or when he’s 55, and his 1950s-era ideas aren’t quite landing with the young ‘uns anymore? Or when his kids are out of college with their own lives, and his fourth…
I’m surprised by how little the Succession ending is being discussed, actually. There was a bit of chatter about it Monday morning, but there’s not really much to argue about, relive, or gush over in the ending, so it all died down pretty quickly. I had one short text exchange about it with a friend, and don’t expect…
This is far from the first show everyone’s gone nuts over and is discussed ad nauseam everywhere - GoT, the first season of True Detective, Breaking Bad, and Mad Men off the top of my head all had this kind of fervor.
I will live and die by Tiny D. No one actually gives a rip if people are Italian or not. But the worst thing you can do in conservative circles is imply that a man isn't manly enough. Tiny D checks all the boxes.