
Lindelof has said that they had no plan the entire time, and were just making it up as they went. Which is why there are so many plot points that are simply dropped at various points and never picked up again.

I’m with you. None of the kids are going to come out of this winners. Each have proven themselves unsuitable and untrustworthy to both sides at multiple times, and they’re all going to be passed over once the deal goes through no matter who wins. They’re just being used for now while they still have influence. Once

Good speeches, but I found the episode a little flat. After the tremendous feel-bad energy of last week, and the presumed fireworks to come in the next, this felt like a holding episode between the two. The only thing that really changes the calculus in an 80-minute ep is Mencken’s reveal that he isn’t going to hold

High Flying Bird is a movie about the business of sports written by someone who seems to know literally nothing about the business of sports.

You People was one of the worst movies I’ve seen in a long time.

Wasn’t so long ago that she would have been kicked out of her church for getting divorced.

There is a 0% chance Josh Hawley has ever read the whole Bible. 0%.

Winter Soldier is great because it’s written as a real movie, not a comic book movie. Twists happen, good/bad isn’t black and white, etc. Marvel movies are (often) very good comic book movies, but comic book movies nonetheless. Winter Soldier is the one (yes the only one) that isn’t.

I wouldn’t go too fast predicting an ending based on the last episode, unless if your prediction is that everything gets turned on its head next week. Because that’s been the pattern throughout this season - someone has a huge week, they’re going to rule the world, and then they do something stupid and get crushed.

Yeah, I have the same read on Shiv: she’s not literally stupid, but she always thinks she’s the smartest person in the room even though she’s often not. At the level she’s at, she’s up against a lot of really smart people who didn’t get there by being the boss’s daughter. In short, she’s like a lot of hyper-validated p

Evangelicals are the nicest people in the world, as long as you’re just like them.

What Greg is very good at, and this is a skill that can make you extremely successful in the corporate space, is never doing anything or being nailed to a position on anything. We’ve all known people like that and they float to the top, because while people don’t like them, their amorality can be useful. And since

Yeah, she was definitely trying to influence Tom in the moment. Revealing her pregnancy was supposed to be the trump card that put him over. Then, when he didn’t take the bait, she was legitimately shocked, both personally and power-dynamically.

Mencken/Kirk seems more like a Josh Hawley type to me.

That was a traumatizing episode that brought back shades of 2016 and 2000 all in one. Agh. It also made me desperately eager for next week’s episode. Bravo to the writers!

The Green Party has an absolutely terrible track record of fidelity to liberal causes once they get any power. They get a whiff of that Putin money and they’re gone.

These shows cost nothing to make and reliably pull in 1-2m viewers for 180 60-min eps a year. That’s a whole lot of ad slots vs. a scripted show that may run 10 eps a year, cost vastly more, and in a lot of cases pull the same number of viewers.

Yeah I don’t think this is him setting her up to fail and take the fall. Twitter is already falling, publicly and quickly. She’s there for literally one thing, which is to use her personal reputation to get advertisers back. We shall see if it works.

Boy Elon really really wants people to think he’s technical.

Do you get how this all works? Like biologically.