I would like for him to show us a single person whose blue checkmark was removed “because Twitter didn’t like them”.
I would like for him to show us a single person whose blue checkmark was removed “because Twitter didn’t like them”.
Proof again that many people who have made a ton of money aren’t actually particularly bright.
I thought “nerds” were supposed to be smart. Do these people really not understand what problems the blue check mark system solved? Are they really this stupid?
As a Bad Bunny fan, this is all revealing a fairly unlikeable side of him. And coming from an artist who talks about mental health, it’s surprising.
Yeah the issue is that while those numbers may look good raw, if you’re working on a 8-ep season in a room with 6 writers you may get ten weeks of employment and one teleplay a year. Maybe. Maybe you don’t even get the one if you’re low- or mid-level.
The various guilds (other than the WGA) are clown shows. The DGA really really wants the studios to love them, so they talk a bunch of shit about the WGA every time there’s a strike, wait until it’s over, then go to the studios and say they want the same deal the writers got. Basically they depend on the writers to…
I’m not a Trek fan (the only Star Trek I’ve watched are the first two reboot movies), but that bit really stuck out for me as well. He didn’t pass it, and missed the entire point of it.
No voting is about getting likes on the internet.
A certain amount of this is (disgusting) posturing. What Musk really has are policy goals - he wants to dismantle worker’s rights, and to not be taxed. He knows he’s not going to get that from Democrats, so he’s sucking up to Republicans, left California, etc.
Apparently he’s an absolute nightmare in person.
Three Finger Ron’s problem is that he isn’t good on his feet. If the whole thing is staged out and scripted, and he can speak through press releases and vetted quotes, it’s fine. But since he isn’t likable and isn’t quick on his feet (odd, considering he clearly thinks everyone else in the world is a moron), he…
I like how she starts mellow but ~60% of the way through the rage sets in.
Doesn’t look bad, actually. Marvel breaking character by putting out something that doesn’t look like a tired retread.
Hey I know a super easy way to not be perceived as a racist.
Yeah let’s just get off of it ladies. Can’t we talk about the scary Mexicans you saw when you were driving to Starbucks this morning?
Personally when I hate something I collect the hell out of its memorabilia as well.
Literally nothing could go wrong with this.
Must admit, was wondering that too. The #1 rule of politicians is to never do anything that puts re-election in jeopardy. Hard to believe someone who was until today a Democrat cares THAT much about abortion that she’s willing to kill her career to ban it.
That was the excuse Katzenberg gave, but it was spin. Spring 2020 was the perfect time to launch any sort of streaming service, as the numbers bear out. If it was simply timing that was bad, someone else would have taken another hack at it by now, and/or the other attempts that were made before Quibi would have worked.
It wasn’t his fault, they asked him to. (her actual explanation)